iTunes stalls


Just clean installed 10.2.1 on an iMac that used to have 10.1.x.

Aside from a few weird things that are happening (like freezing when I eject the CD tray), iTunes is giving me trouble.

Whether I'm using other apps or not, iTunes will pause mid song and stall out. Sometimes, it will continue playing but then will stall again. This happens with both CDs and mp3s. The stalling sometimes affects the whole system but not always.

I never had this problem before, not even when I had 10.1.x on my computer and was using iTunes 3.0.1

Also, when I force quit iTunes, its name is in red on the list of open apps in the force quit window. What's that all about?

Any ideas out there?
I've had a similar problem with itunes as well. Here's what I did, and so far, so good. What you want to do is clear the PRAM. Shut down yoru computer. While holding down the apple key, options key, P, and R, thru the power on. Keep those 4 keys down until the computer restarts twice. (until you hear the THIRD "chime") This clears yoru PRAM, and should solve the problem. When you log back in, you'll have to set the date and time again.
thanks for the idea, but no change after following your advice. I'm really starting to think I was better off with os 10.1!
yea i had that, hasn't happened in a while though. Try a permissions check from the install CD, doubt if it will work, but you never know. I didn't start having that problem since 10.2.3, all i know I had a old school song on, i was tryin to sing, a lower level thatn the stereo hooked up to my G4, and... well i know you won't see me making any hit albums anytime soon :)