iTunes to MS -- safari next?

I don't know about the rest of you, but i'm quite happy with the way things are. Sure, i'd like Macs to be more popular. I'd love it if my TAFE had at least a few. But remember, the more "normal" people who learn about how to use/program for Macs, the the more enticing it will be for some loser (who sits in his basement with a shotgun and writing in IRC about how Microsoft is a conspiracy and that he's going to marry a penguin one day) to go out there and write the first major mac virus/worm/whatever. Sure, we're protected somewhat by UNIX security, but that doesnt answer all the questions.
Not to mention that 5% of computer users doesn't really attract the attention of the RIAA etc, nearly as much as the big juicy worm that is KaZaA.
I tend myself to really get irate with these darn windows ppl!!! :mad:

I mean, every time some cool thing comes out for Windows, or Linux for that matter they say "GIVE ME! GIVE ME! [and FREE too!]."

When I think of a windoze pill person, I think of a person who is like a 16yo geek with the black rimmed taped glasses who wants the entire world for free... [could i hint in the fact about p2p...]

OOH I HATE these windoze ppl...

Anyways! Congrats Apple on a very fine product. Safari has caused me to just about have a heart attack in its great use and much faster load times then MacIE.

I currently have a 700mhz Snow Imac [15" flat screen]. And Just finally got my Jaguar Discs...even better then the OS X I had originallly...many congrats to Apple on a job well done.

--Specs on me
*Administrator for 3 linux user groups, and an administrator for a city-wide MUG.
Originally posted by ToronKator
When I think of a windoze pill person, I think of a person who is like a 16yo geek with the black rimmed taped glasses who wants the entire world for free... [could i hint in the fact about p2p...]


God, grow up.

Besides, I'm pretty sure it's the linux folks who think the entire world should be free (either beer or speech or both)... that's rather the point of the open source movement, isn't it?

Go back to slashdot if you feel the need to troll. Perhaps there someone will care. Of course, they'll think about as much as you being too lazy (or is it gramatically challenged?) to spell out the word "people" as I do.
Easy there, that's his opinion, and I think some of his points are valid. Many of my friends talk about trading games, music, etc. instead of actually going out and buying the games or CD's.

I think he means a Windoze geek. The average Windows user is not one of these geeks, but an everyday person: a middle-aged office worker, or a retired grandparent, or a fresh-from-college lawyer, etc. These are the kinds of people who probably don't know as much about computers as anyone else, and for whom effective advertising has more of an effect.

(I forgot who I'm addressing this to because it's on the previous page), you'll find my math isn't necessarily wrong, but hypothetical. I know that the % of computer users on OS X isn't 5%, and that the numbers using Safari are even less, but that wasn't my point. I was saying, hypothetically speaking[/, if by the 5% "rule", 5% of an online bank's customer's use a Mac with Safari, blah blah blah. I'm glad your bank is standards-compliant and Safari-supportive, but many aren't.