iTunes visulas in 10.2.4


Before installing 10.2.4, my iTunes visulas were quick and smooth in full screen (except for maybe when the Apple icon would fade out.) But since '.4, even when the visuals are set to medium size not in full screen, ive lost some FPSs and the visuals are jolty. Has anyone else experienced this?
I'm getting 25 fps at full screen in 10.2.4 (I don't have Quartz Extreme) on a CRT 21" Apple Studio Display. I gather you don't have Quartz Extreme either. In "Options" turn ON "Use OpenGL" and "Faster but rougher display" and turn OFF "Always display song info" and "Display frame rate". Good luck.
Thank you. Helped alot=)

Also, I think it had something to do with using iPulse in the Dock. I quit iPulse and visulas sped up. It seemed to use so little CPU....