itunes4, quicktime 6.2, and jaguar


i'm not quite sure what AAC exactly is, but what's up with quicktime 6.2 only being for 10.1.5? i don't think i'll ever use it, but is there a way for 10.2.x itunes to import AAC?
i just tried installing it and get

"You cannot install this software on this disk. This disk is dimmed because the system version is 10.2 or greater"

QT exports aac audio as .mp4 and allows for levels of quality and options for streaming. I know that iTunes is leveraging the QT libraries, but what settings is it using? Can I change them? Why does it name the files .m4a? What's an m4a? Is that an mp4 + picture and lyric data?

It's all very schizophrenic right now. But I do highly recommend aac audio compression. It's warmer and smaller than comparable mp3 files.

In todays testing, 160k mp3 sounded worse than a 128k m4a, which still wasn't up to the original CD quality AIFF from whence it came. So my lingering question is, can it ever be? Should I consider importing in 160k m4a?

Anyway, I'm playing, I'll add more as I find it. Yay aac.
OK, well I said I'd check back. My old test song that I used to determine that I needed 160k mp3s instead of 128k ones ... well using that I can't accurately distinguish between aiff, 160k mp3, 128k m4a (from iTunes) or 96k or 160k .mp4 (from QT Pro)

Scrambling through my CD's for new content to compress and compare.

Minor note, QT displays the title of a track as noted in the mp3 tags, not the name of the file itself. It displays the file name for all other file types including .mp4 and .m4a - sounds like a feature Apple forgot to carry over. I'd be happy if that went away completely.

Anyone have any high quality music recordings with wide dynamic range and clear sound over a large number of discernible frequencies that they have in a format considerably higher quality than CD that I could use to play with compression? I'm running into limits here.
Another tidbit, which cost me $0.99 - CD encodings are .m4a, apple store downloads are .m4p (protected files)

not sure how protected the files are, but the contract you have to agree to says that what you have is part of an ongoing service provided by Apple and that at any time in the future Apple may degrade or discontinue the service and you have no recourse. What exactly degraded service amounts to is unclear, but could include the ability to play paid for music the way I read it.
I am confused. Probably nothing new here. I have downloaded QT 6.2 and when I attempt to install it I am unable to get any of my disks to highlight. What am I doing wrong?

G4-466, 512 memory, OS 10.1.5