iWeb or iBrowse?

Why would apple want to make a browser if they can get people (from omniweb, chimera, etc.) to make some great ones for them. It just doesn't make sense. All of apple's iApps fill a void not filled properlly by other software developers. There aren't any alternatives (on the same scale and price range) to iMovie or iDVD. Whereas OS X has tons of browsers.
Originally posted by googolplex
I dont want one browser. I want many browsers (each that offer different features) that all support standards. One browser would be horrible for the web.

I said one object model or rendering engine. Actually, that would be the best thing that could ever happen to the web.
Originally posted by googolplex
It would until the people programming that engine got lazy and stopped supporting the new stuff.

What new stuff? If there is only one engine, there is no "new" stuff, there is only what is recommended by the W3C and what actually IS supported by all browsers since they share the same rendering engine! If you take a look at what cool stuff is in W3Cs recommended list and is NOT supported by most browsers, then you would see that it actually is that way at the moment. Like "What? They invented iFrames? We will never support that in OUR browser since it came from THAT company!". Oh, and the "got lazy and stopped supporting" is not *really* an argument...
When I said new stuff I meant new w3c recommendations. Not proprietary stuff. If you put one group in charge of making a rendering engine then there they will get lazy and stop following the standards because they don't need to because they wont have any competition. It is best to have a few competing, but standertized engines.
Originally posted by googolplex
When I said new stuff I meant new w3c recommendations. Not proprietary stuff. If you put one group in charge of making a rendering engine then there they will get lazy and stop following the standards because they don't need to because they wont have any competition. It is best to have a few competing, but standertized engines.

To quote my first post:

"they all use an object model made by the W3C and just wrap their GUI and stuff around it... "

Of course this engine has to come from the W3C! And why should they get bored? If they are paid to develop THE rendering engine, they will do it.
PDF also has no competition and gets better and better...same goes for Flash etc. etc.
Why does actually web pages have to be so advanced, stashed up with effects, sound, flash movies and stuff, it's just annoying! Especially for those with modem lines.I hate 5 MB web pages and sites that ask me to download and install a plugin of some kind.
An Apple browser would be cool, although it would have to be compatible, and the best thing would be to develop it for Windows, too.
OK, apple is NOT making a browser and apple would NOT make it for windows. Keep dreaming. Its not smart for them to do it.

Ulrik, if it was made by the W3C then it might work.
The first one I saw was IE 3, it still looks very close in 5.5 (haven't seen 6).

What!! I've never seen 3, but 4 looked nothing like 5, it was grey and the buttons were blue underlined text links!

however this agreement runs out in a matter of a few months, and it is not impossible that they will look to releasing a replacement of their own,

That wouldn't be too smart, the other side of the deal was that Microsoft had to keep making Microsoft Word for the mac, now they don't have to anymore

If Apple ticks them off enough who knows what they'll do (not make word for the mac).