iWeb Sandvox now answer after more than a week



even as a No-Vip (I am a Vip and I paid 90 bucks for this service)
it should be possible to answer within less than a week.

It seems even strange to me, that my questions do not appear any longer in this forum.

remark the questions conc. iWeb Sandvox: upload error of Sandvox-files
and files that can be found within osx/terminal with
find ./ -name "domain*" -print, can not be found with the
mac-finders search-command (search-window)

regards charlymac2
I am sorry but I posted full messages conc. iWeb <=> Sandvox and mac-finder (finder window)
willingly I will repeat them here:

1. pages built with iWeb + uploaded with mobileMe appear on my homepage: http://www.stay-free.de and can be modified with iWeb.
pages built with SANDVOX and uploaded with the SANDVOX-mobileMe-option are
tested as ok by Sandvox - but are not shown on my homepage:

error: object not found - wrong url? - unknown url

2. mac-finder doesn't find "domain.sites" ( these file(s) are necessary for iWeb).
the spotlight settings are ok: all options are marked!

PS: within terminal and root permission the bash find-command does detect these files!