Okay, please tell me why with my just upgrading to 10.2 and just installing an agp ATI Radeon 8500 (a card that supports QE) this past week:
Mail, finder and IE windows (almost any window) still resizes slowly/jerky!!! I don't see any improvement and am a little peeved, but before I jump to conclusions...
I installed the card earlier this week with 10.1.5 and it worked fine (noticed a big improvement in moving windows). I cannot install or reinstall drivers since ATI's site says 10.2 has 8500 drivers included in 10.2 - is there something I need to adjust/set to use Quartz Extreme?
P.S. I have 1 GB of RAM and a G4 450 and am running two 19" VGA monitors at a recommended/approved resolution of 1152 x 870 at 75 hertz.
Mail, finder and IE windows (almost any window) still resizes slowly/jerky!!! I don't see any improvement and am a little peeved, but before I jump to conclusions...
I installed the card earlier this week with 10.1.5 and it worked fine (noticed a big improvement in moving windows). I cannot install or reinstall drivers since ATI's site says 10.2 has 8500 drivers included in 10.2 - is there something I need to adjust/set to use Quartz Extreme?
P.S. I have 1 GB of RAM and a G4 450 and am running two 19" VGA monitors at a recommended/approved resolution of 1152 x 870 at 75 hertz.