jag killed ethernet, corrupted disks


Inventor of the Egg Wave
Installed 10.2, ethernet is now disabled in the network pane. Attempt to create a new configuration, and it doesn't list ethernet as one of the choices.

I booted into 9, to get back on this site, and the disk that 10.2 is on is now unable to be read. should i initialize it? i think not. Not only that, but even the disk that 9 is on is giving me error messages, and it was untouched by the 10.2 upgrade.

This sucks big cat ____.

I am sensing total HD wipe on the horizon.
You don't have an additional PCI network card installed do you? Remove it if so. I had one when I upgraded, and it caused serious problems: Jag decided to assign the settings previously bound to my builtin port to the PCI card, and "self-assign" a DHCP address to the builtin. Not good!
no, just stock card that came w/ g4. i ended up just backing up some files and initializing. it now works fine, but i am slowly putting things back in their places.
This kind of thing is exactly why I have a 2nd HD, identical to my prime drive, that is used exclusively for backup. Very useful for testing OS ugrades, updates, new s/w for conflicts, without putting me out of business. Not trying to be pompus or saying I told you so. I read posts about doing thisalomst every day in one forum or another. If enough posters are singing the same tune, it must be a preety good one.

Not a very good post for a newcomer, but then again, I'm not known for tact.
I agree with modelamac. I make a GHOST of the main HDD and when things goes wrong, I will install the GHOST HDD into the system. And I back up all data on an extenal Firewire HDD with huge capacity. This will ensure that in the midst of working and something fails, I have a backup.
IBM HD's suck

2nd of all, I do have the number 2 backup disk ready, unfortunately it is also IBM, is twice the size of the first disk, and also needs an initialization.

Basically, I have a backup disk that I love to throw everything onto. It's not a raid, but has all of the critical files. Plus, it has about 7 gigs of mp3s. So the dilemma is that I must now go through and put the mp3s on my main disk, while making sure to get copies of all the backup stuff as well. You'll remember that I had to format the disk, so stuff that wasn't even considered backup is now single copy only.

Either way I'll be buying a new drive or spending hours trying to fit 45 gigs onto 20.
