JAG: Sharing Mac broadband internet conection with XP on LAN


Ok i have searched but could not find...

I have a ADSL modem (USB) and i have my XP laptop on a ethernet Hub connected. All i want to do is share the internet connection from my mac to my XP PC.

So i go to Sys Prefs >> Sharing >> Internet >> Internet Sharing

But when i open IE on my PC, i cant surf the net.

Any ideas

I have tried:

Changing IP addresses
Flushing Firewall using sudo ipfw flush
Changing the cable

Also, it seams like i can no longer connect to my PC using Connect to server? but i can connect to my mac from my PC.


Are you using a regular cable or a crossover cable? I have been through several setups and have found that getting it to work can be odd:

Broadband --> Mac. Mac Ethernet--crossover cable--> Hub's "In" port. Hub's "out Port"----> PC Ethernet card.


Broadband --> Mac. Mac Ethernet--enet cable--> Hub's "Out" port. Another of the Hubs "out Ports"----> PC Ethernet card.

I know that last one sounds odd.... basically, both cables (the one from the Mac and the to the PC) go into regualr ports (not what you might think). Don't use that "IN" port.

This seems odd because usually you'd go:

Broadband -----> Hub's "IN" port. Hub's "Out" ports -----> PC, Mac, whatever else.

Browni said:
Ok i have searched but could not find...

I have a ADSL modem (USB) and i have my XP laptop on a ethernet Hub connected. All i want to do is share the internet connection from my mac to my XP PC.

So i go to Sys Prefs >> Sharing >> Internet >> Internet Sharing

But when i open IE on my PC, i cant surf the net.

Any ideas

I have tried:

Changing IP addresses
Flushing Firewall using sudo ipfw flush
Changing the cable

Also, it seams like i can no longer connect to my PC using Connect to server? but i can connect to my mac from my PC.


Try this: go to network prefs and in the 2nd pull-down Show: Network Port Configurations. Drag ethernet to the top of the list and then Uncheck unused ports (modem & airport). Click Apply Now. Go back to Sharing and re-enable internet sharing. Now try it.
Forgot to say - this should be peer to peer (the DSL cable and two computer cables are all in the same type ports - not uplink)

You know, a $30 router will give you a safer, easier and more reliable connection. Spend the money.