Jaguar And Midi Problems


I just upgraded my dual 1 gHz G4 QS to 10.2 and tried to get MIDI working via the new control app "Audio MIDI setup" (it's in Utilities). But my rather new MOTU FastLane USB MIDI interface with new driver installed does not respond anymore. It worked fine under 10.1.5. But now it's gone. Am I missing something ? Please help, I can't continue work and on Apple's site there is not even a MENTION of the Audio MIDI setup (as far as I was able to find up until now)

Originally posted by frans
I just upgraded my dual 1 gHz G4 QS to 10.2 and tried to get MIDI working via the new control app "Audio MIDI setup" (it's in Utilities). But my rather new MOTU FastLane USB MIDI interface with new driver installed does not respond anymore. It worked fine under 10.1.5. But now it's gone. Am I missing something ? Please help, I can't continue work and on Apple's site there is not even a MENTION of the Audio MIDI setup (as far as I was able to find up until now)


Did you try removing the older app? Or reinstalling?

Emagic seems to be the only company mentioning Apple Audio/MIDI setup these days. Ever since Thomas Chord left Apple, Apple have not been really working in this area. So I guess that is why the move to buy Emagic.
Thanks Plastic.

I had reinstalled practically everything...except an old version of MidiMonitor somewhere in my utilities folder. Since I had used it before without any problems (version 1.0.2) I went from a fault in the MIDI hardware setup. But maybe OS X and it's intricate system of messaging from process to process is aware of a process watcher like this even when it's not active. Anyway : Shortly after having found a newer version of MidiMonitor on the net (1.1) and installing it MIDI came back online again.

I can't explain it but maybe it's helpful to other people who run into similar problems.

Back to Reason.

Hey, keep in touch. And post in technical aspects of MIDI-Audio on Jaguar and further releases here because there is not much resources on the net for us Mac musicians.

Curious question, what sequencing software are you using at the moment? Digital Performer? Logic Audio? Or something else?

Keep in touch and share the little bits and pieces that we might discover when all the popular sequencing software are made available on the OS X platform. I believe this is a breakthrough for digital audio as well. So let's experiment and keep in touch.

Unfortunately, being a ProTools user, I am still very much stuck with OS 9 until Digidesign releases the OS X Version of ProTools.

I'd like to second Plastic's request to share tips and experiences re: 10.2 audio. I have also run into audio issues (related to recording mostly), and there are almost no up-to-date resources out there for the Mac musician. Perhaps we need a new forum for audio/midi here at