One thing I realized while reading over the description of "Quartz Extreme" is that my trustworthy G4 cube as I know it will have to change. When the cube was first sold, it was built in two models, 500 MHz with and ATI Radeon video card, and the 450 MHz with a standard card (not quite sure what it is) anyways, I opted for the 500 MHz, but to my dismay, the noise of the fan of the Radeon card canceled out the beautiful silence of the cube's operation (one of the only reasons I selected it). So in around one month, my grandfather decided to buy the 450 MHz version so I switched the video cards. My Cube has been working fine, but now I realize that if I want to take advantage of "Quartz Extreme" I will have to revert back to the (comparatively) loud Radeon card, in essence destroying the silence of the cube. -sigh- oh well... i suppose it's a good reason to convince my parents to buy me one of those sick new DP g4's.