Jaguar and Wins


I need to be able to use Wins with Jaguar. Do I need Dave or does Jaguar support it natively. I am faily new to Macs so I am probably missing the obvious.

I have bind setup and running and have been using that, but mainly just wanted to know if it supports it. Did not really need a dns server on the mac, but hell, mainly did it because I could..
I couldn't find a WINS option in Jag so I opted for DAVE, easy to use and further enhances Samba which is already built into Jag. By the way if you using 10.2 make sure you install DAVE 4.0
Thank you very much. I have basically decided to continue to use bind locally. I have a very different situation where I hardly ever need to connect to shares just machines by name so DNS does work well. I cannot just use the office dns server as I run a server farm on a network that is not related to this network and I am basically the only one that runs it so no need to setup a dns server in the office.