Jaguar Can Over-Clock?

Not in Jag right now but I believe this is more an option for laptops to go from normal to low speed to conserve battery life.

I doubt you can simply select Faster and have the processor overclock itself. That would come in handy though.
Actually, software overclocking is possible. The new 700 MHz iBooks use software to determine the clock speed of the processor. It has been documented on the web many times that you can use a simple utility to change those settings on a new iBook and overclock the processor to 850 MHz, and maybe even more, although that would probably render the iBook unstable.

Of course, Apple would probably never in its right mind prominently include this feature in their operating system, if at all, but it actually is possible to overclock via software, given the right hardware.
Just to make this clear. The screenshot this thread is pointing to shows Energy Saver options for notebooks (PowerBook, iBook). It enables a *lower* clock speed for the processor.

So *NO*: Jaguar won't let you overclock your computer as a feature. Which was like clear from the beginning, right?
Jaguar won't let you OVERclock your processor. However, on the new iBooks, the speed of the processor is set with the software instead of hardware registers, and one lucky owner managed to squeeze an extra 100MHz out of his iBook by messing with the software settings. However, these software settings were contained in the open firmware, not in Jaguar, I believe.
That's what I thought.

Had I seen just one, (the screen shot or the article) I wouldn't have believed it.

I wish I could find the article, I looked everywhere!

Thanks for clearing that up everyone! :p