Jaguar discount?


i am really harping on this but....

i have three coupons from my 10.1 purchase... the coupons state:

Apple Software Proof-of-Purchase Coupons
To get Mac OS updates - and other special offers from Apple Computer -
you'll need the coupons below as proof that you've purchased the MacOS
software. **Make sure to keep the original coupons.**

*See individual offers for terms and conditions

1 (or 2 or 3)
Software Coupon
Mac OS X v10.1
Mac OS 9.2

the right thing here for apple would be to offer discounts to 10.1 buyers, since buying a new OS (or update) every 10 months is only a M$ tactic. its difficult for me to buy a OS update when i just spent money on FCP 3 and other stuff.

how has this worked in the past?

doesn't anyone think that apple's market share can continue to improve if their customer loyalty is infinitely better than their competitors? please, throw us a bone!

I also have coupons and want to know if we can use them.

If not for something like 10.2 then what are they used for, exactly??
When I bought my iBook, it came with 10.0 and a sheet of three of those coupons. When 10.1 was released, I just brought the sheet of coupons to a CompUSA and they handed me the 10.1 discs for free .. not even taking a coupon.

I don't know if 10.2 will work the same way, I don't think anyone outside of Apple really knows. If I were to speculate, Apple would work this the same way they did with the 10.1 update .. but only time will tell. Sorry for the lack of info, but I don't think there's really a good answer.
These coupons have always been used for special upgrade prices since Mac OS 8.0.

What you do is you just save the coupons, like they say. Then, when you go to buy them, just show a salesperson one of the coupons when you buy it. You should be able to get the discount this way. I think it works at all places that sell Mac OS X, but you might have to send in the coupon with a proof of purchase to Apple.

The fact that Apple has included the coupons with Mac OS X 10.1 goes to show that they will be continuing this upgrade price policy. And that's a Good Thing™. :)

You get something like $30 or $50 off.. I'm not sure.

NOTE: You MUST have the coupons (no copies) and you must have them for the immediate previous major upgrade. That means you must have 10.1 coupons to get a special price for 10.2, and 10.2 coupons for a special price on 10.3. You cannot use 10.0 coupons for a special price for 10.2, unfortunately.

did people who got coupons for 8.0 get discounts for 8.5 or 9.0? what kind of discounts did they get? its just that i need to budget ahead alittle if i have to actually buy $80 more of software...

wondering why the only bad thing about macs are the prices....