Jaguar fast enough to kill Mac OS 9?

Originally posted by AppleWatcher
Okay there we gow!

-Mail is open
-MSN is open
-IE is open
-iTunes is open
-Word is (often) open
-Googolator is open (calculating... :D)
-Sherlock is open for translating weird words :p

BUT it takes minutes to start them all, en when I start other programs, system performance isn't that great.... :( Maybe it's because of the Finder? Is it cocoanized?? :p

But, MSN and IE are very slow and especially MSN is kinda buggy.

I think Jaguar needs a Panther :D

I have pretty much the same config here (same iMac, just a wee bit more memory - 576MB). I just installed Jaguar 2 days ago and I am surprised by its speed! Apps open in a snap, window dragging is aceptably fast (8MB AGP), Finder performs as it should. Only networking can be annoying at times (Finder not responding until time-out is reached). The only thing I'm going back to OS9 for is gaming (WarCraft III, playable under X, considerably faster under 9). But then again, this iMac is not exacly the latest generation (introduced nearly 3 years ago). If you want decent gaming performance you need a better machine anyway.


BTW, I still have the display pincushion (display distorted and picushioned to 1/2 display width) problem with this unit. I am running it with an externat display but what's the point of having an iMac then? Has anyone got a (not too expensive, I bought the machine off a friend for about 450 US$ and I'm not intending to invest too much anymore into it) solution for that problem. Consider me as take-apart savvy and basically able to solder stuff - I'm not an electronics expert though!
Was it? I didn't recall it having a name...that's odd seeing as it was the slowest non-beta release there was. Looking further, it was also called "Cyan" as well as "Cheetah." Interesting...
So, can we say that Jaguar is fast enough to kill Mac OS 9 now? :P

I'm glad you've found replacements for your slowest applications.

Now if only the features of .mac were good enough to kill the thoughts I have about the price. I'm tempted to pay those 49$ now, but I really wouldn't pay 99$ for a year of this service. And maybe I'm just not the right person for it, as I'm maintaining web services myself. But those published iCals (as html) just look gorgeous. If I had a reason to publish my calendars, I'd love that feature about .mac. But as of now, I can publish them via WebDav (why not FTP, why not FTP?!) or by hand (shuffling the .ics files to a webserver via FTP).

Okay, enough ranting.

Jaguar is fast enough to kill Mac OS 9. The developers who won't publish their carbonized upgrades in time will lose some market share, Apple might lose some customers to Windows because of it, too. But basically, Jobs is right. OS 9 is dead. Let it rest in peace and move on. You're allowed to mourn for a while, but do it quietly so OS 9 can go to OS heaven. (And so we Mac OS X users don't have to hear your whining all the time.)
Originally posted by AppleWatcher
Jaguar is fast enough to kill Mac OS 9 >> I mean with this: do you think Jaguar is as fast as OS 9 (or faster)!

With current hardware, I don't think it can be. OS 9 simply requires a lot less overhead. Pretty much everything about it. But OS X is a lot more efficient in its way of handling things. It's like the arguments of Win95/98 vs. NT. NT always could use more memory, but it used it a lot more efficiently. Something like that.
hmm dunno
the dock is quite graphic
and now in 10.2 the zoomin' windows...

But it's no 3D GUI so... I think OS X can be faster ;)
