Erhm... can a moderator please remove this thread immediately?
It's about the umpteenth thread about the development of 10.2 ... Everyone on this board has the same information, really. Steve Jobs will show the beast in public for the first time at his keynote at the WWDC in May.
Thus, the operating system isn't expected to ship before MWNY, but Steve sure won't show it without saying when it'll be released. So wait for WWDC.
Yeah, okay. The question has been answered before, but there's no need to get gnarky, Fryke. Yes, we know it will be made available to attendees at WWDC and probably launched "officially" at or around the time of MWNY. I can picture Steve getting up there and launching it as the biggest-thing-ever, I expect it'll add some nice features to OS X, but hey, there's not much we can do about it but wait, right?
I just found out! Mac OS X v10.2 will be released on June 1, 2002... and it will be (drum roll, please) $30 just like 10.1!
Now we can all sit back and be glad that this damn subject is over -- like knowing the date it's going to be released is going to ease your mind or something.
No need to get upset over this. I don't keep up to date with the Mac news and I just thought since Steve will be showing a sneak peak at the WWDC that it would be coming out soon. So I thought I would ask you Mac Geeks since your so involved on Mac Subjects. So just calm down.
Honestly, pwharff, there are certain subjects that are duplicated way too much. Using the search option to see if there is already a thread about something before starting a new one is always a good idea...
Originally posted by nkuvu Honestly, pwharff, there are certain subjects that are duplicated way too much. Using the search option to see if there is already a thread about something before starting a new one is always a good idea...
nkuvu, your probably right. Thanks for the tip. I'll use the search next time.
I use IE because it's more complete then the other browsers when it comes to features and it's faster than most of them, although I did try chimera today and it's amazingly FAST!!!
The browser thing is one of those "duplicated way too much" subjects. And it's also the source of a number of "my browser's better than yours" conversations. I was being sarcastic...
Feel free to join another thread and talk about browsers, though.
Not trying to offend -- just trying to get you up to speed.