Jaguar Shipping


According to a report at Think Secret ( Jaguar is already shipping to resellers. Apparently (although not specifically stated in the report) at least some have already received the shipments. It is stated that the OS X 10.2 package includes two install CDs and the Developer Tools CD. The fate of OS 9 is not mentioned, i.e., whether the two disk OS X installer installs the classic environment.
Dunno for the US but here in Canada there is no major supplier who had it yet.. Just checked all the major ones this morning
( I work for a Reseller here and I have access to the major canadian suppliers Dbase of product )

Nothing yet..

Resellers are receiving copies, but they have been instructed not to release to the public until Aug. 24th.

Not a big deal - this happens all the time with books and CDs as well...
My Apple reseller is going to have Jaguar on the shelves on August 24th at 10:00 AM. I've already reserved a copy. :D

Don't know if they have received their shipment, though... They said they were ordering copies for everyone that reserved copies, plus 20 extra copies.
ddma: FTP access in the Finder of 6C115 has been defective for users of the ADC seed, meaning that you can mount a volume through 'Connect to Server' with the format ftp://user@host, but you don't have write permissions (even if they're set on the server, of course). Can you try and access an FTP-Server through the Finder you have write access to this way? It'd be interesting to know whether this is a difference between your 'original' build and the one seeded as GM candidate 1.

btw. i have posted this thread to as a proof for jaguar=6C115.
fryke: I have tried to log on a ftp server and found that I can only read the volume (can't write). I think this build is exactly the same as the ADC seed.

FYI: I can even preview images even it is a FTP volume! Finder rules!
I have been planning on buying it on August 24th for weeks.

I will be in an Apple store here in Durham that morning waiting for the doors to open.

I can't wait.

I will be crushed if they don't have it.

Of course, if resellers are getting it....I should have no worries about the Apple stores having it.

Of course, I wouldn't get there late. ;)

I can't wait. Every day, I post how many days remain until 10.2 is released on my weblog.

I have made predictions that it will be the biggest selling operating system Apple has ever released. The excitement has been building for a long time now. I am so excited I am wired from it.

Of course that could be the result of a swing shift and lack of sleep, but I like to think there is more to it. ;)
Originally posted by fryke
Minimize in place is _not_ in Mac OS X 10.2... I'd have liked that, too...

I was looking forward to Minimize in Place also. Well, i suppose if we write to the Mac OS X Team via the Feedback page, maybe they'll put it back in to 10.2.2 (I doubt that it can get into 10.2.1 in time).

Also, I think the FTP "read-only" problem is being fixed by 10.2.1.

But hey, what do I know? I'm not high enough on the ADC chain to know :D.
I ordered my copy of 10.2 direct from the moment I heard it was available. I'm surprised more people aren't doing that. My Apple direct orders typically arrive slightly sooner than what I can get off a shelf. We'll see what happens here though.