Jaguar - Single User Mode


Hmmm.... after updating to 10.2 and booting into Single User Mode, the screen of text no longer ends with the prompt:

"If you want to make modifications to files,
run ' /sbin/fsck -y' first and then '/sbin/mount -uw / ' "

Running fsck -y still works fine, just wondering if there is some damage to a system file somewhere... I don't even think it gets as far as reporting the date and time (?)
Anyone have an idea?

I think they just changed the single user startup script a little. I did the same fsck and mount procedure, and didn't notice any trouble, so I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as fsck looks to be doing its job.
Thanks davidbrit2
I guess I just wanted to make sure I hadn't screwed up anything in my installation.
Glad to know the script is the same, interesting to note that it still exists on my iMac after an "update" install - just not on the G4 after a clean install.