Jan. 22 annoucement? True or false?


Bona Fide Pater Familius
If it is, what could it be? Speculations only! No it's-gotta-be-true-because-myfriend's-friend's-neighbor-who-works-for-a-manufacturingcompany-that-uses-Apple-said-his-brother's-fatherinlaw's-2ndcousin-got-a-rash-that-looks-like-a-New-Apple-product!

And your thoughts, if your interested, what Palm's announcement could be.
Palm is going to be (formally) annoucing its new version of the Palm OS (version 5) which will run on ARM based palm devices.

As for apple... I have no ideeea :-)
supposedly apple will make an announcement on January 22nd -- it's been the buzz around teh net for a week or so.
Hmm.. first I've heard of it... It's very curious for them to have an announcement of a new product this soon after MW... I suspect it's just that "hey everybody!! the new iMac's are now shipping!!" or somesuch. But a palm-thingy with Newton tech. would be very cool too.. ;) (seriously, I know that will not happen).

It is very interesting that both Apple and Palm have some secret announcement planned for the same day though....
I'm not counting on Apple introducing the PowerMac G5's but it would be seriously cool to see the Apollo G4's running at over 1Ghz! I don't think apple would make a special announcement just to say " Hey, the flat-panel imacs are now shipping!"
Originally posted by banjo_boy
If it is, what could it be? Speculations only! No it's-gotta-be-true-because-myfriend's-friend's-neighbor-who-works-for-a-manufacturingcompany-that-uses-Apple-said-his-brother's-fatherinlaw's-2ndcousin-got-a-rash-that-looks-like-a-New-Apple-product!

And your thoughts, if your interested, what Palm's announcement could be.

Hey Banjo Boy, I love it! You basically quoted me! I've offered up many a "brother's friend's uncle's dog" posts regarding ridiculous "rumors" too.

Haha. I love it! Niiiice. (Especially liked the 'rash' part ... it was a nice touch that really *proves* that the rumor is true: if www.trustmeormynameisntjohhnybgood.com said it, it must be so!
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
supposedly apple will make an announcement on January 22nd -- it's been the buzz around teh net for a week or so.

Apple's going to announce that Steve Job's own ego knocked him up -- Job's is gonna have a baby named Mini-Mac.

"Cool," Steve Jobs was reported as saying (by a talking monkey named Mo-Jo), "I can't believe that I actually did something that Woz couldn't do himself."
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Palm is going to be (formally) annoucing its new version of the Palm OS (version 5) which will run on ARM based palm devices.

As for apple... I have no ideeea :-)

Any announcement by Palm would first be (a) those weenies have finally released the final version of their 4.0 software for OS X and provided Mi¢ro$oft with everything they need (SDK) to finish the Entourage X counduits.

Second, Palm will first announce their soon-to-be-released i705 PDA (which is a psuedo replacement for the Palm VIIx web/email capable PDA) which looks somewhat like the lower-end models (e.g., m125) but has always-on email/web access -- but NO cell phone.

So, enough of the 'rumors'. Pleeeeze. ;)
Ok so i just got outta lunch with my Physic Turkey who saw the future in the crystal ball and it said i was getting a big raise today and that my TiBook was coming and then i asked about the new announcement and she saw My friends teacher who was talking with the copy man at their company but in the background she saw some guy abouyt 5'5" w/ Dark Brown hair was making copies of some documents. Well when he opened the copy machine in the reflection of the glass he saw that the boss was in his office on the phone and so the physic read his lips to see what he was talking about and he said something about bubblegum and if you re-arrange those letters and replace most of them with other letters you get Mac OS X.2 for Mac and Palm

Physic Turkey told me so.

Kenny said:
It is very interesting that both Apple and Palm have some secret announcement planned for the same day though....

Kenny, I was thinking the same thing and then thought, "DEMONS OF APPLE PDAs! GET OUT OF MY MIND!" I ALMOST got into the Apple PDA excitement, AGAIN!

As all of my posts before, I think, said before, I would love an Apple PDA. I think it would be smart of them to because of the finanical problems of both Palm and Handspring.


I just found this image yesterday and thought it was cool. Yes old, but still cool


  • ipad2.jpg
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I don't think Apple is going to release anything but faster G4s.

Palm will release a new devise.

That's all.
My brother's speaking beagle (who only speaks russian, so I have to struggle to understand) told me:
- Palm desktop for OS X is in late beta so they will probably be releasing it "officially" soon.
- Apple is bumping up the speed on their powermacs a little bit.

I would listen to him since he used to be a test dog in the cold war, trained in industrial espionage and chewing shoes. He has never been wrong, much.
I think it's new G4-speedbumpers to "fill up the space"(couldn't find a better word) after the new iMac. Nothing big, like the iPod. And maybe an other announcment too like a iPod 1.1/2.0 firmware update or something like that-