Jan. 22 annoucement? True or false?


I don't expect anything to happen but for the sun to rise in the morning and the sun to set in the evening. However, suppose you have an angry monkey with a peg leg. How many seeds can the monkey with a peg leg stomp out of a pickle in a 3 minute time period? If you can answer that, then you can probably predict when and what Apple will be releasing.
IF there is an announcement next week I can almost Guarentee that it will be speedbumped G4's, no new cases. If it was a PDA, why not make this announcement at MWSF to keep the apple PDA rumor-mongers happy, while the press enjoys it's iMac? Same goes for a Palm - Apple merger, not many people would be interested except for a small group of hardcore PDA users (AKA admiralAK(wait, that rhymes!)). Now sure there is a chance that G5's could be announced but I think that apple would have already announced this meeting and hyped it to a small extent. This meeting might go off nonchalantly like the server upgrade. They might post a blurb about a 1Ghz mac on the homepage, but i doubt anything huge.........

Wait for MWNY, but hey, thats what they said last year......

I love rumors, really do, check the sites everyday, but this seems like it's on par with spymac.com.
I think it will be G5s in new cases with all the fixins, just not today. Is there some apple event going on or something. They would have said something by now. The new imac specs and the fact that the "Crystal Clear Savings" promotion ends Jan 31 is pretty telling.

Something is coming soon.
Jan. 22 is almost gone. No announcement.

To answer the question:

Jan. 22 announcement? True or False.

Definitely false.
Originally posted by banjo_boy
Jan. 22 is almost gone. No announcement.

To answer the question:

Jan. 22 announcement? True or False.

Definitely false.

Like I said!

STOP THE MADNESS, PUT AN END TO THE LAME OL' RUMOR MILL. Let's just talk shop instead! (Or atleast let's not call 'rumors' 'facts'!)
When Apple introduces something, great! Let them. I no longer care any Apple product until it is on THEIR site.
Originally posted by banjo_boy
When Apple introduces something, great! Let them. I no longer care any Apple product until it is on THEIR site.

Easier said than done. 'nuf said.
Apple has new machines. 800, 933, Dual 1Ghz. It's on their site. Must be true. Unless you buy on and then you have a 1 month wait.
Originally posted by banjo_boy
Apple has new machines. 800, 933, Dual 1Ghz. It's on there site. Must be true. Unless you buy on and then you have a 1 month wait.

Oh i wanna bye on! Check your spelling Banjo Boy! Just kidding i gotta give you shit. Hay whats in the box behind me? Ohh what could it be?

Sad, sad little boy...

As for the box, everyone. Boy Wonder has received a TiPB. He has acheived coolness status.

Sad, sad little boy...

PS- If everyone wants a good laugh, go to SpyMac.com's Forum.
I just looked over this little wall between Banjo Boy and me and
Hahahahahahahhhahahahah Heeeee Hoohooo. He's funny looking.

Good Laugh.
