Java -version Fails With Illegal Instruction


On a iMac with fully updated Mac OS X 10.4.3, java fails. java -version in a terminal window gives "illegal instruction". Any clues?
In order to get a clue, you have a give a clue. You have given none except for the fact that you have a problem. That said, the most likely reason for this failure is that the Java application was written to a non-standard JVM.
svenole said:
On a iMac with fully updated Mac OS X 10.4.3, java fails. java -version in a terminal window gives "illegal instruction". Any clues?

Normally, when program ends in "illegal inctruction", it either means that
code and data is somehow mixed, or the program is not for the correct

On the terminal, type

file `which java`

the character ` is the acute character, on finnish keybord I could type it by
pressing the quote/acute key and then a space (I guess space stops it
from being accent character). If this is hard, type

which java

copy the result and type file to the result, like

file /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5/Commands/java

I get:

..../java: Mach-0 fat file with 2 architectures
..../java (for architecture i386): Mach-0 executable i386
..../java (for architecture ppc): Mach-0 executable ppc

If you get similar, it might be that the file (which java) is modified.