

Can anyone tell me how to correctly install a JDBC driver, namely, mm.mysql.org.gjt.Driver, on OS X in order for .jsp web pages to connect to a MySQL database. I have already got MySQL and Jakarta Tomcat installed.

Originally posted by j_archer_macg4
Can anyone tell me how to correctly install a JDBC driver, namely, mm.mysql.org.gjt.Driver, on OS X in order for .jsp web pages to connect to a MySQL database. I have already got MySQL and Jakarta Tomcat installed.

Put the driver in the classes folder of Tomcat.

I haven't played with Tomcat for a while, but there should be a folder for the whole Tomcat (There is definitly a lib folder, where jar-files go in), and then there is a folder in each Context (Classes folder in WEB-INF).

Tomcat loads the classes at startup, you don't need to put it in the System Classpath (I don't know where the Sys-classpath is, anyway :))