JFK assaination

Was Oswald the Lone Gunman?

  • Yes, he acted alone, there was no conspiracy

  • No, he was a fallguy and part of a vast CIA coverup

  • It is a true mystery to me

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Ministry of Re-Education
It's something that has always interested me. Was Oswald the lone gunman or was there a conspiracy? I've seen so much compelling evidence to lead me both ways. I mean how could it have been kept a secret by so many people for so many years. Surely, by now, someone would have talked, you'd think.

The Warren Commission couldn't find a sharp shooter that had the same incredible firing precision as Oswald. In fact, it was found later that with the same exact rifle, you couldn't even squeeze off that many shots in 5.6 seconds, much less have perfect aim through a scope and get the third and final shaky shot square in Kennedy's head ~ Maybe it was pure luck.

And why, would Jack Ruby, a two-bit gangster and minor trafficker in women and drugs, give his life to kill Oswald? Ruby said he "avenged Kennedy out of patriotism and pity for the poor widow." ~ Kind of an odd set of feelings for a known gangster.

At any rate, you'll find mountains of evidence on the internet to support both theories.

I voted "It is a true mystery to me"
Some years ago I rode into Dealy plaza from under the bridge, going towards the depository. I was in a van, reading a book and didn't know that I was going there. As we pulled into the "square", my head snapped up, I looked at the "grassy knoll" and knew exactly where I was even though I had never been there before. (deja-vu all over again). I am personally sure that there was a shooter behind the fence.

(This was before the JFK movie, but after Garrison had had his 15 minutes.)

But the poll is flawed, since it leaps from more than one shooter to CIA did it. It is sure that the Warren Commission tried to tie it all up and get it over with. The mentality of the authority at that time may have felt it was more important to put a bow on things for the sake of appearances than to follow all the leads and get to the bottom of the story. It happens in murder cases everywhere everyday. More than one guy on death-row is the victim of pr pressures. (But not all of them.)

I therefore didn't vote.

There are more than just two theories running around on the Internet. The contents of Stone's movie is not just from one theory, but a pastiche of several. The implications of the accusations made by the film (not all made by Garrison himself it might be said) are scary, and I don't want to believe them. But they are not easy to ignore.

***off topic - kinda
Still, the point for me goes beyond that and comes to the final responsibility for goodness in the world. That is "me." Not me, but "me," each and every one of us is "me." It has long been clear that we have abdicated our power of governing through the establishment of institutionalized government. We just re-elect incumbent career politicians rather than become involved in the actual decision making process.

But the cure (term limits and the elimination of politics as a career choice) may lead to a even greater abdication and a dictatorship of the beauracracy.
No, Oswald was not the lone gunman. And Ruby shot Oswald because he would snap under pressure and tell all.

I didn't vote because I don't think the CIA had their hands in it. They were too busy with other stuff. And I can't tell you about that 'other stuff' because it has not been declassified.
cheryl said:
Ruby shot Oswald because he would snap under pressure and tell all.

Yes, but then why wasn't Ruby interrogated. Why has no information come out of this guy?
from google

"Ruby suddenly died of cancer on January 3, 1967."

The suddenly is definitely editorial. But the fate of material witnesses (high percentage died prematurely of accidents and diseases) is one of the questions that are hard to pooh-pooh.

Yes, the Gestapo could make anyone talk with rubber hoses and steel bars, but Ruby didn't have to face them.
Guys, u all got it wrong. Ur all so stupid.
I ASSASSINATED HIM [lol i said a** twice heheheehehehehe]
now im not from mexico, but i kno that i shot him.
Androo said:
Guys, u all got it wrong. Ur all so stupid.
I ASSASSINATED HIM [lol i said ass twice heheheehehehehe]
now im not from mexico, but i kno that i shot him.
I would love to know how a 14-year-old could have assassinated someone over 25 years ago.

I voted the third option... don't know, don't really care either.
Why can't people just let sleeping dogs stay down? There has been NO PROOF of a conspiracy in that whole affair. The only thing that has been proved was a super sloppy investigation of the murder.

I work in Washington so believe me when I tell you that NO ONE in Washington could KEEP a secret like the one the conspiracy theorists alleged. The are just a bunch of bumbling fools who keep a secret if their life depended on it. Everybody in this town wants to be the next hero like deep throat in the Watergate Nixon scandal. You kids today are too young to understand how much that scandal changed politicians outlook of each other. The secret gloves came off after that. So, any assignation files, people, etc would have come out to further stain the Nixon, Johnson Administrations because it would have given the anti-Vietnam protesters a definite advantage and the biggest story in modern American History!

What everybody fails to understand that this was a MURDER!!! Keeping up with wild, unproven conspiracies only trivializes the man's murder.
All I'm wondering is was there a 2nd or third shooter. I highly doubt a vast conspiracy. But, like I said even the Warren commission couldn't find a sharpshooter that could pull off the same accuracy in 5.6 seconds.
For an interesting mix of fact and fiction on this read James Ellroy's American Tabloid and if you like that the sequel, The Cold Six Thousand is very good as well.

Or alternatively- for an interesting look at the darker side of Kennedy, see The Dark Side of Camelot by Seymour Hersh.

My take on it.
It wasn't (just) Oswald.
The mob was involved.
Federal authorities were complicit if not active in the assassination.
This still leaves a lot of possibilities, but hey, no-one knows for certain, so i can't act like i do.