JFS in OS X.2.2


Mac Ninja
JFS is now available for 10.2.2
It is disabled by default.

Should I enable it? What are the risks? I know it slows down access to files... but how badly? But besides that... why is it turned off by default, with no option in the GUI to turn it on? Is it not ready for prime time?
There is a GUI Button to turn it on in OS X Server... I think it's kind of like the rest of the "server specific" apps & features in OS X... You pay the extra $$ and you get pretty GUI buttons to turn things on & off... but the "standard" install of OS X still has all teh goodies unther hood, just no pretty buttons... so forums like this one usually hold the answers to turnig things on & off...

It also seems like the JFS is most beneficial to servers, and since it slows things down a bit the advantage of enabling it by default on client OS X boxes probably isn't worth the "bad publicity" about OS X boxes getting s-l-o-w-e-r...

I use a 700 ibook for daily activities, I'm not planning on rurning on the journaling on that... but I've got a tower that servers as a server... it seems like it might be worth it on that...

(my $.02)
how do you use the JFS? Or is it just completely transparent to the end user and all it does is prevent file corruption?
Just wondering, since the 10.2.2 Server version of Disk Utility allows the use of a button to turn journaling on and off, can you copy that specific version of Disk Utility to a regular 10.2.2 Client and access the same button? Or is there some specific "plugin" somewhere that turns on that feature in the Server version?

I love using the CLI, but hey, buttons make life so easy, and i'd love that button in 10.2.2 Client
wow, if a button is that important to you, just write an apple script to do it. It would be like 3 lines of code!!
Or I would. But your missing the point.

Yes I would like to be able to turn on jounaling via a button, but I'd like to do it with Disk Utility. I'm also interested in this because, like I said, I wonder if there is some sort of plugin structure for Disk Utility, or if they are entirely seperate apps.

Frankly, I'm just curious as to how the whole thing works. I'm no programmer, but I like to figure out how things work in OS X.

It makes me happy!