Job number based accounting program


I can't be the only small business that uses running job numbers to organize service/sales and then and bill clients!
Does anyone know of a program that will allow me to create a job number (sequencially),
bill to an established client base, and follow through with the completion of the work to close the job number?
I am currently using a spead sheet to manage job information, then using quickbooks to manage my invoices/customer list. I am looking to merge these two seamlessly into one program. Create a job number, description, client info (which transfer to their billing log or something, then maybe has a list feature of invoices to be managed/printed.

Any suggestions work be great.
I don't know of any, I'm currently programming my own for my business. More work than I intended on doing but the spreadsheet records were annoying me. :) I'd like to know if there is an alternative too.
mi5moav said:
Not sure if this was the app you were talking about Only problem is that if you don't have filemaker your looking at spending about 400 bucks 300 for filemaker and another 100 for work requests.

I wasn't talking about Work Requests specifically, just Filemaker in general. In fact, included with the application are a bunch of database templates that just might suit the need, without having to buy anything additional..and if those don't fit the problem exactly - you can always modify them - or create your own customized database to do exactly what you need. Yes it's $400, but it's well worth the money IMO.