Jobs has resigned!

*in comic book guy voice*
Worst thread title ever
*end comic book guy voice*

Seriously, it was obviously meant to get a rise out of the people here. I don't like it.
well at least I didn't lie, like the threads "Quark has released an OS X version" or others.

Anyhow I doubt if anyone will fall for it, the fact that he has resigned is all over the web now.

Too much confusion! Site change. Lie of Jobs resinging
-Shut Down- (X.X)
Not to mention his lover Gates paying him $100m per year as poccket money? And Apple has been developing weapons for Iran? Duhz...

All the above are not true... LOL...

Dun take me seriously. And dun worry about my avatar.

MacDonalds is not buying over Apple... yet...
It's the "board room shuffle", as As The Apple Turns so elegantly put it. Fun fun fun! Gap's CEO resigned from Apple's board of directors and now Apple's CEO resigned from Gap's board. Freaky.

Oh, plastic, you might want to reconsider the color scheme of your sig, now that the board has a new color scheme. Looking at your mighty fine hardware specs has the nasty side effect of making one's eyes bleed :)