Joined at the hip???


Purveyor of Thought...
I come to you, my brothers, with a question...

I use EyeTV and have collected a series of four episodes of film that I would like to play consecutively... the problem I have is this: How to concantenate the four episodes so that they play without interruption..
any help that you might give will most likely be greatly appreciated :-)

I know how to do it in DOS but who wants to go there!!! ::evil::
What format does EyeTV record in? You can use QuickTime Pro for QuickTime compatible files and simply concatenate them end-to-end by copying and pasting.
Search versiontracker for "Playlist Player". as the name hints, you can do movie playlists and then play them :).
If it's a format you can import into iMovie, you can not only concatenate them, you could snip out the commercials too..
Thanks everyone, problem solved using i-movie and I also checked out Playlist Player.
neat program for future reference
thanks to all for quick and timely response.

Moderator, please close this thread.