jpg or gif screen shots in 10.2


before 10.2, with the use of tinker tool I could make screen shots taken with command-shift-3 or 4 save as jpg's or gifs.... but now I can only get them to save as pdf's, and that option is greyed out in tinker tool... anyone know how to change the format it saves screens shots in, in 10.2?
you can't. I've asked the guys at TinkerTool, they said the screen shot routine in OS X was based in the Core Graphics, which could not save anything else than PDF.

It was my habit too to save screenshots for the Web. Use Preview to Export is what I do now.
If you use GraphicConverter press comm-ctrl-shift-4 to take the screen shot to the clipboard, then activate GraphicConverter and press comm-j and it creates a new document from the clipboard.
Originally posted by martijnvandijk
press comm-option shift-4 to copy to clipboard. then paste in your graphical app

Nice trick, thanx !
But still, my solution is the one that uses less memory and that gets the job done faster: take it as PDF, Export to JPEG in Preview.
Originally posted by AppMan
Use grab.

I believe that grab only saves as TIFF's. You're only way you will be able to save directly to jpg or gif is to use a 3rd party app such as Snaps Pro. You can download a free trial at versiontracker

Snaps is an excellent screenshot utility if you have never tried it before.
Okay, this is interesting...

I notice that the Tinker Tool "General" tab has a section for selecting the "Screenshot file format"... but it is greyed out.

Anyone know why?
Is this a 10.1 vs. 10.2 thing?
Do I have an old version of TinkerTool? (I'm not sure how to identify the version I have???)


  • tinkertool.png
    7.7 KB · Views: 31
Originally posted by TommyWillB
Okay, this is interesting...

I notice that the Tinker Tool "General" tab has a section for selecting the "Screenshot file format"... but it is greyed out.

Anyone know why?

I don't know Apple's reasoning behind removing functionality in OS X, but I do know that the TinkerTool option is there but grayed out because Jaguar takes screenshots through CoreGraphics now (a PDF system), but that version of TinkerTool runs on both 10.1 and 10.2, so the options unavailable on 10.2 are grayed out. (Just the same way the OS 10.0 Dock could have blue arrows under running apps, but the functionality was removed in 10.1.) I'm not sure how 10.1 and lower had JPEG/etc file format support, I assume the OS automatically converted it before saving or something. Anyway, it was a hidden feature anyway so I guess we can't chide Apple too much for removing it, but still, it was very useful for a few people while it was there.
The change of the file format for screen shot does not work in haguar. i have tried it from terminal wit ha zero result.

Thus continue using apple shift 3 or apple shift 4 - then open the image in preview and sxport it as jpg or gif. it is faster than passing it via photoshop unless you have psh open.
Originally posted by toast
Nice trick, thanx !
But still, my solution is the one that uses less memory and that gets the job done faster: take it as PDF, Export to JPEG in Preview.

I like the GraphicConverter approach better. You can edit the image, select the compression... and it's no so memory hungry... and it is shareware. Use it only a few times without paying, or pay to support this excellent shareware !
Opening GC looks like more memory-hungry to me. Though I may be wrong, since I'm not using GC anymore.

I prefer using Goldberg to crop and export to JPEG. This program is not only incredibly fast and practical, it's also free. Freeware.

PDF Screenshots are the worst idea Apple ever had.. ever. Worst. Bad bad bad.. Very bad.

I don't like it. I liked it making a 100% quality JPG instead. Not a PDF which requires extra steps.

I have gotten used to exporting them in Preview now though. But I shouldn't have to. There should be an option for saving them as a file type.
Yea, i miss the ease of use and choices of 9. Whats the key command to snap a window? I did it a few times, then one day i tried, and nothing, so I'm doing something wrong. Is there a way to move it to another folder rather than the desktop. I get tired of moving them to a Desktop Temp folder to keep my desktop clean, at least 9 placed them in the root folder.