JPG Thumbnail Icons Suddenly go DIM


This should be an easy fix, but I've tried several things and I'm now miffed.

Was selecting multiple jpg images in a finder window to open with preview.

After viewing the jpg photos, when I came back to the same finder window, nearly ALL the thumbnail/icon images were dimmed. I can change the size of the icons with the "show view options," but they are still dimmed. Yes, I can still open them and they are normal.

Any ideas? (Yes, I have since restarted the machine.)

--Norm in Texas

P.S. Sorry if this is the wrong category, I didn't see a FINDER choice.
I'm answering my own question as it may help others in hte future.

I remembered that I had recently turned on "show hidden files" in my preferences. Was working on something else.

When I turned off "show hidden files" the thumbnail dimming disappeared.

Go figure...

--Norm in Texas