July 12, 2002 - Keeping you Informed

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Staff member

Our server migration is complete. We appreciate all your patience during our recent down times and DNS changes. Everything should now be complete. We don't expect any "expected" downtime for the foreseeable future. Things should also be running snappy and be more responsive than it has the past few days since the move.


-No longer will macosx.com be associated with Press 3. Although we will continue to link between the two they will not be integrated into each other as previously planned. The primary reason for this move is to keep this community Mac focused while Press 3 has a focus on all platforms. As part of this commitment, we removed our Linux & Windows forums from the community and obviously, they have not been missed.

-Site News will become "Announcements" and will be for relaying information to the community at large and will no longer be for "site discussion". Site discussion has been moved to the bottom of the forums.

-Chatrooms will be returning in the coming weeks. This will be a web-based chatroom solution based upon IRC.

-Board rules are being refined and will be posted for everyone to read and understand. These are mainly common sense guidelines that all boards have and we believe we should have as well.

-Much discussion has centered around offering some sort of "community" labeled merchandise and we are putting together something to feed your fancy. So look forward to that. Proceeds go to the monthly check we send to our ISP.

-No new themes, colors, or smiles are coming.

Carry on.

Why will G5 powermacs not be released in two weeks?

Why not a 19" flat panel for the iMac?

Why does Steve not always pull something out from under is sleeve?

Why do rumor sites speculate a "multi-button" mouse could mean more than 2 buttons?

Why are trees taller than grass?

Why does the server run faster with a faster processor?

Why does this site run on Linux and not on Mac OS X?

Why do X-Serves not come in "slower models"?
What Admin's getting at, is we're changing our colors and themes around because we can (and because it will look purty :) )
What Admin's getting at, is we're changing our colors and themes around because we can (and because it will look purty )

Actually, it is...

"What Admin's getting at, is we are NOT changing out colors and themes around because we don't have too."
Originally posted by Admin

Why are trees taller than grass?
actualy i have seen grass thats taller then trees but anyways
i think it mght be nice if we got some new stuff
and maybe some people from arround the board can help with that so it's not a huge workload for you
I don't want new stuff, we'll be too macfora-ish if we have all these different themes and smilies and stuff. What we have now is perfectly adequate. If you want to change it, download blacklight from versiontracker ;):)
Just glad to hear that you have dicided to keep Press 3 and Mac os x separate. Ive been around a while, and cant wait to see the community merch.
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