Just got Panther and WEIRD problem came up


Mac Ninja
How is this possible? After installing Panther, the Internet stopped working, yet still works!

Safari can't load any pages
Terminal can't ping anything, gets 100% packet loss

Just like if the Internet was down.

But iChat works... sort of. I can see what people write to me, but when I type, nothing shows up. And Mozilla works fine, I can get any web page.

And finally, software update can find new updates, but cannot ever download them!

So how is this possible? The Internet only works... half way? Apple's software is breaking?

MUST.... FIX!!!!!
solrac said:
Safari can't load any pages

So how is this possible? The Internet only works... half way? Apple's software is breaking?

I've got the same problem. IE works fine, but Safari and various other internet apps don't. This really sucks. I've reinstalled Panther twice, and each time it does it.
I recommend repairing premissions and if you install again, be sure the format and zero all data.

That sort of sounds like a DNS problem. Check your network settings and see if you have the right DNS servers listed.
Captain Code said:
That sort of sounds like a DNS problem. Check your network settings and see if you have the right DNS servers listed.

I'm not sure, because Safari won't even load a local html file I have saved on the harddrive.
I had a simlilar problem last night after the install completed ... I did a release / renew on my IP and everything was working again ... weird.
I just spoke with tech support. The level 1 guy had me take out my preferences and caches folder (which I already tried). After a bunch of stuff, he couldn't figure it out, so the level 2 product specialist guy had me just create a whole new library. That worked!

So it was SOMETHING in the library, just not the prefs or that kind of stuff.

I just went through every item one by one, and there is ONE folder left, that creates this problem whenever I put it in my library.

The FONTS folder.


I have 500 fonts. How could one of these STUPID fonts destroy TCP/IP functionality within an Apple program????? (But not 3rd party programs.)

Anyone who has this problem, it's a font. Just get rid of your fonts folder and make a new one. Put your old fonts back into it one by one (or groups by groups), until you find the offending font. Just like extensions in OS 9 eh?
solrac said:
The FONTS folder.

Good advice, I'll try that. Strangely enough, I've had several problems in the last few days because of fonts. I had about 400 or so in the folder, and the OSX text panel would not show up in any program. When I removed the fonts, it worked fine. I also had a problem in Safari, where the default Arial was replaced by another custom font I had. Strange.
Here is the bad font. If anyone knows how to analyze it and find out why it's bad that would be great.


  • Craw Modern-bad-font.zip
    32.9 KB · Views: 3
It's probably just corrupted. I wouldn't go about distributing corrupted fonts if I were you. If you know who developed the font, email the developer and request a clean version, or just download it again.