just VALUATION of my PowerMac Cube

i am NOT Selling BTW

Just out of curiousity, what do u think, i could get for my computer?! ... i only bought it about 3 months ago, and have added a few bits and all ... Just CURIOUS, thats all!

PowerMac Cube G4 500Mhz
1.25GB RAM (well, as of next week, 768 now)
nvidia GeForce 3 ADC
120Gb WD 7200RPM (8Mb Cache) HDD
17" Apple Studio Display
USB Pro Speakers, Mouse, M$ Wireless IntelliMouse

Err... i think thats all! ... anyone, in a sense the post was kinda pointless, as its NOT a sale ...

But hey, if u have the time, drop a reply! ;)


Oh, and a variable rate fan @ the bottom ... jus so the cube makes some apparent noise ... it was scaring me, silence 'n' all! ... haha
Yikes! I'd value the fan alone at about negative $750 - 1000. No kidding, the whole point of the cube is that it's silent - go and break that and you have an overpriced, underpowered noisebox with no room for expansion. I mean, if you want a fancy video card or a CPU that kicks out a lot of heat, put it in a case with some expansion room and an internal power supply.
I followed one on eBay some weeks ago and it went up to 1100 euro for a machine with les memory (320Mb)
Originally posted by scruffy
Yikes! I'd value the fan alone at about negative $750 - 1000. No kidding, the whole point of the cube is that it's silent - go and break that and you have an overpriced, underpowered noisebox with no room for expansion. I mean, if you want a fancy video card or a CPU that kicks out a lot of heat, put it in a case with some expansion room and an internal power supply.

But i am not running the fan! ;) ... its there, just in case i get problems ...
My GF2mx had no fan, and was overheating ... since then i popped in a GF3, which obviously has a fan onboard, i am hoping things are cool now!

But i am looking at popping a new CPU lata, so it will be needed then. The Cube, the silence is great, but that only is viable, if you keep it at its stock spec ... with todays demands, this isn't very good ... so you have to make a lil' sacrifice ... it still is very quiet ;)
Please check everymac.com for currently selling prices, you can add or subtract depending on your specs compared to the ones listed
Then we have the fact that it is a bit of a cult-computer.
Like my mac plus. I mean if one just looked at the specs for the mac plus nobody in their right mind would want one, but considering the fact that it was the first macintosh and everything, like a bit of history, some people would pay a lot for it. I bet your Cube will be a collectors item and worth even more in ten or twenty years!
Yea, thats why i bought it ... i could have double the specs, when i paid for it, but i had that little "thing" for the Cube :cool:

JonnyBoy, thanks for the link, i'll have a look! :D

so you're slowly cooking the inside of your cube due to a geforce3 without a fan. notta so good.

having been a cube owner, i would guess that you could get around $1100-$1300 for your cube on eBay right now for everything listed.

unfortunately, for the next 20 years or so, your cube is only going to lose value. think of NeXT cubes, $5000-$6000 machines selling for $200-$300 on eBay today and much rarer than a Apple cube.
Yes, but a Next, even if it's now part of the Computer History (with big C and big H) cannot run Mac OS X.
hmm. yeah, maybe it will lose in comparision with it's original price. But like the macintosh plus, it will never drop down to the value it would have if you just looked at it's specs. Like in twenty years when they have like a trillion ghz, nobody will look down on the cube and say its just worth two dollars. I think it will always have a steady price... and if you are lucky some mad collector will pay you a fortune for it. ;)
Originally posted by kendall
so you're slowly cooking the inside of your cube due to a geforce3 without a fan. notta so good.

Hey, i NEVER said i didn't have a Fan on my GF3 ... What are u talking about?!

Sarcasm usually fits, when the facts are in place... otherwise it leaves egg on ya face ;)

I'm assuming u were mixing up my 80mm fan, with the Fan onboard the GF3 ... they are BOTH Running now BTW ... the cube gets VERY VERY hot without the 80mm fan running, and won't operate accordingly! :(

...its still very quiet tho :)
Originally posted by Decado
Then we have the fact that it is a bit of a cult-computer.
Like my mac plus. I mean if one just looked at the specs for the mac plus nobody in their right mind would want one, but considering the fact that it was the first macintosh and everything, like a bit of history, some people would pay a lot for it. I bet your Cube will be a collectors item and worth even more in ten or twenty years!

Sorry, the Mac Plus was not the first Mac. That would be the "Macintosh" (that's what it says on the back). The Plus was the third Mac (sorta). Macintosh (128K), Mac 512 (512K), and then the Plus (1MB). There were some variations in the first two (e.g. the "fat" Mac), but those were the major models.

Originally posted by chevy
Yes, but a Next, even if it's now part of the Computer History (with big C and big H) cannot run Mac OS X.

Your right, instead it runs the "mother" of OSX, NeXTStep.