KDE apps on OS X


Check this out:
A few days ago Benjamin Reed, a.k.a. RangerRick and Benjamin Meyer, a.k.a. icefox,succeeded in making Konqueror, the KDE swiss army knife, run natively on Mac OS X. Now they have an update: KOffice, Kate, Konsole, and a few other KDE applications work natively on Mac OS X. That means, they don't use an X server, like other GUI apps do, which were ported from Unix and Linux to Mac OS X by the Fink project, but they base on the native Qt/Mac library to run KDE in the native Aqua environment. They have solved all major porting problems, with only a few rough edges left to polish. Congratulations to this milestone achievement!

Looks like we don't need to wait until OO is ported to aqua by 2006 ...

See: http://ranger.befunk.com/blog/
If you have panther, the install process just got a whole lot easyer. You still have to build some stuff, and nothing has changed yet if you have jaguare.

There seem to be some binaries up. I'll try to install and test it later this week: I'm very curious.
This is some of the best Open Source news to hit the Mac platform in quite a while. I like the KDE office suite and am very excited to see it native on OS X. I will be downloading the whole thing as soon as binaries are available.

Kudos to open programers and expecially to the people that made this possible.

I don't suppose anyone could point me in the direction of a decent Open Source (read: 'Free'. 'Cos I'm cheap, you'll see the irony soon...) accounting package? I'm not really in need of anything as featureful as MYOB yet and would rather get a feel for the genre before splashing out cash.

I'm assuming that there is going to be a greater likelyhood of there being a KDE/X11 package than a Cocoa/MacOSX one, so this looked like the place to post.