Ken Burns Effect in iMovie


I was messing around with the Ken Burns effect in iMovie and didnt realize the original prefrences didnt return. Now i cant get anything it renders to look good at all. Is there a way i can reset those prefs, like trashing a plist file or something? Thanks.

Also, if i create a movie in iMovie, is there an easy way to use quicktime and turn it into a low quality web movie that can be embedded into html or whatever? I know i did this with pinnacle studio and wmp on my old computer.

From iMovie, goto File > Export > Quicktime. choose "web" and it will export the file for web viewing. Or you can choose expert and choose your own settings.
Thanks, thats what i was looking for on my second question. Any ideas on the first anyone? Also I have another. Im not very experienced with iMovie so i dont know much.

I am trying to do a title slide for my movie (thats all I can do now as the pics look bad) and when i click the preview button after i have the title configured how i want it it previews like the first picture attached. But when i drag the title to the time line and it renders it comes out looking like the second picture i have attached. Am I doing something wrong like not using standard fonts, or is this just something iMovie cant do. Thanks for all the help.


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