Kernal Memory Imac


What is the maximum RAM you can put into a imac 700 flat panel? Right now I have (or had) 512mb.
I was experiencing repeated application crashes (application unexpectedly quit) and kernal errors.
I did a clean install on the entire system and I still experienced the crashes.
I pulled out my 3rd party RAM (256 MB) and it still crashed.
I then placed the 3rd party RAM back in and pulled out the RAM that came with the system (256 MB). I have not experienced any problems since. At this point I am guessing I had bad RAM? What actually causes this? And is there a way to check the RAM without pulling it out? I ran Techtool and it did not detect anything.
So now I am going to purchase some RAM. Can I go with a 512 and a 256 (768)? I can’t find info on the maximum RAM for this system anywhere. And where is the best place to get RAM for an imac? Macsolutions had some pretty good prices.
Check RAM with your "Hardware Test" CD that came with your computer.

I have the exact same computer you do and have 1GB memory in it right now. It's GREAT. RAM makes all the difference in the world. :)

RAM, just like any other computer part, can go bad over time.
Do you still have the same conditions as when you got the error? (Did you put the chip back in that you thought was bad?)
I have had no problems since I took the chip out. It's been two days without a single application crash. I will leave this chip out permanetly. And it will be replaced with a new one.