I need some help.
I have a combo drive ibook with OSX v. 10.1 and OS 9.2.1 on the same partition. Was in 9.2 and switched to the os X startup disk. Got a kernal panic.
Held down the power button to turn it off. Start back up. Kernal panic.Have done this several times.
Held down the option key at start up. It will only let me try to start up with OS X. Did this several times.
Did I cause this problem possibly by renaming my "Applications" folder "Applications (OS X)" just prior to starting up in OS X?
I get the message at the first of the panic that says "unable to find driver for this platform: "PowerBook 4,1".
What is my next move?
I also ran the disk utility from my OS X CD. Checked out OK.
I have a combo drive ibook with OSX v. 10.1 and OS 9.2.1 on the same partition. Was in 9.2 and switched to the os X startup disk. Got a kernal panic.
Held down the power button to turn it off. Start back up. Kernal panic.Have done this several times.
Held down the option key at start up. It will only let me try to start up with OS X. Did this several times.
Did I cause this problem possibly by renaming my "Applications" folder "Applications (OS X)" just prior to starting up in OS X?
I get the message at the first of the panic that says "unable to find driver for this platform: "PowerBook 4,1".
What is my next move?
I also ran the disk utility from my OS X CD. Checked out OK.