kernel panic/freezing???


Has anyone else had issues with, or at least seen the problem of either of the following?

1 - the screen pans down into shaded, and it tells you in like 6 langauges that you need to restart. you MUSt restart. there's no way around it. there is no explanation, just death to the current session.
any experience? causes? Fixes?

2 - black lines start at the top left of the screen with white text over them. talks of a kernel problem with the UNix something or other. sometimes keeps filling the screen until you reboot. other times just spits out a few lines and stops. BOTH ways lock you out of using your system, and you must restart your system.
any experience? causes? Fixes?

I've got a 17" powerbook with the most current updates of everything. I'm a "Switcher" (with some Unix experience) so I haven't gone too hog wild with my system - I've got the typical utilities like TinkerTool and the other usual suspects, but nothing crazy.

I'm thinking I'll need to reload Jaguar, but was hoping for some other opinions/input.

Yes, kernel panics. Has it happened to you once only, or many times? If it's once, you don't need to reinstall OS. If it repeats, it could be worth figuring out why it occurs (e.g. hardware issue could do it repetively). I've had like 5-6, but none since the last install.
Yeah, I've had the kernel panic 2 or 3 times,

I've had the thing that tells me to just restart several times.

do you have any suggestions of backup/imaging software to use prior to reinstalling the OS?

thanks for the info
I have just this second made a post about a similar thing!

OSX seems to crash for no reason at all!
Ok, so you might want to reinstall it then.

Save at least all your documents, then those programs that you can't get from elsewhere ... mails .. hm. Also the folder ~/Library, the settings you need from there (like the prefences and mail folder), and ~/Music, ~?Pictures etc. Also address book and ical contacts and info can be saved, they are stored in ~?Library
Originally posted by owaters
I have just this second made a post about a similar thing!

OSX seems to crash for no reason at all!

yeah, it's a bit dis-heartening to have it happen just for no apparent reason. I could understand if I'd messed with my system a great deal (like with Windows, I trashed those systems on a daily basis, and well, it was Windows...), but It's fairly vanilla as far as apps go, and hardware is just as it was shipped...

ah well, guess I'll be reinstalling...
You might also want to iSync your iCal, Addressbook, Safari bookmarks etc to all other devices you have before - mobile phone, palm, iPod, .mac - just in case. Also, if you have an external firewire hard drive, saving your data there will be faster (also to remove them back from there) than burning 2-3 cds.
Originally posted by Giaguara
You might also want to iSync your iCal, Addressbook, Safari bookmarks etc to all other devices you have before - mobile phone, palm, iPod, .mac - just in case. Also, if you have an external firewire hard drive, saving your data there will be faster (also to remove them back from there) than burning 2-3 cds.

thanks for all the tips!

my father in law has something like a 120gb firewire drive just for backup stuff. so I'll just use his before doing the dirty...

muchas gracias!
If you will reinstall and still those troubles will occur check for hardware problems... These could be anything from peripherals to internal components of your PowerBook! It is a fact that OS X is stable as an OS and when it crashes constantly, it is because there is something causing troubles that even the eye of the beholder has difficulties to see... :p :D

Let us know what gives! ;)
I had a kernel panic this morning at start up (with 10.2.6 and last security update!). This is my 3rd kernel panic in almost 3 years (since the OSX beta).
I ran "command + s" at start up, and in the command line wrote "fsck -y". This runs a repair routine. It worked for me. Run it until it says "the volume appears to be ok".
If you have kernel panics after that, install the OS again.
Do yourself a favor and re-install Jaguar. Then do not update to 10.2.6
The only thing I found that I could not do without it was burn CD's. Not a high priority for me so no problem.

I have waded through a pile of sh*t to get to this point. My kernel panics happened about every 2 hours, was not reproducible at will. Had never had anything like this happen before.

After spending $50 to Apple and taking my machine back to its original configuration, reformatting both hard drives and slowly adding back the ram and processor upgrade that I had added to the machine and using it extensively for a month with no incidents at all. Less then 2 hours after I installed the 10.2.6 update I was back in the same situation. Only now they were happening about once an hour.

What I did then was re-install Jaguar using the archive and install option. I have not done the 10.2.6 update. It is now about 3 days later not one single incident.

Just hope that the next update will fix this problem.

Sad to see some people having problems. I haven't had any problems with 10.2.6 on my iBook or iMac. I haven't seen a kernel panic in a long time. I think I've seen about a dozen since 2001.

Quiksan, watch out for hacks, programs that modify the UI or add an icon to the menu bar or anything out of the ordinary. I'd be curious what you have installed.

Also, I've not had much success with the OS X versions of Norton applications.

And if you need a commerical backup program, look at Retrospect by Danz.

10.2.6 is not so likely to cause problems. i have had some kernel panics, but none since the last install. i did a 10.2.6 combo update after it - i'd say it is safe.

tell how it develops = more panics or all working fine.