kernel panic on os x cd boot


I'm a newby w/ macs, this is my first. I bought it off ebay used, it's a 1-2 month old powerboook 867. The previous owner lost the original bootable dvd restore disc, but sent me some copy of an oem "not for resale" dual os X install set. Every time I try to boot w/ the disc, I get the grey apply then a kernel panic. I talked to the apple tech and he said that the disc doesn't belong w/ the powerbook so it shouldn't work. So, I went out and purchased a full retail version of Mac OS X. Guess what, same results.. kernel panic.

Too worsen the blow, I was trying to reogranize the user profiles and deleted them all before my last shutdown, on restart all my user log on's dissappeared and the only logon that shows up is "other", which I have no clue what the name and password would be!!! So, uh, yeah, I'm here w/ a pretty new powerbook that is basically only good for a flash light.

can anyone help? What am I doing wrong? Should it be going into a kernel panic booting from a CD?
Try to log in as root.

Do you have anything important on it? As far as i know, getting kernel panic from boot IS really weird. I'd probably do a clean install of Jaguar and see if it goes away.

An other thing _could_ be a faulty logic card, but i guess that is more affected on the ibooks, not powerbooks. There were some examples of those (descriptions. images etc) on (in ibooks, there displays) - powerbooks should have different logic cards than ibooks so prbably not.. but, not normal.

You can see the kernel panic log in / library / application support (maybe??) / logs / there are kernel.log or kernelpanic.log or something like that. look for the file in finder, open the log and see what you see about it. (Or someone else maybe here could decipher those) .
Root, is that the original logon? If so, no it doesn't work.

There's not really that much important on it. I could get by w/o it. On Xmas day someone broke into my apt and stole my original laptop(2mos old..) . Had about 5yrs worth of info on it, never got around to making that back up. So, uh, yeah, I'm starting fresh.

Two problems. I can't log on to os x, so I can't use the finder. And I can't boot up the Mac OS X install cd to reinstall the OS (kernel panic <smack> not pass go). Is there any way around it?

Last time I've got a kernel panic with boot CD was because one of two CPUs of the new dual was burned.
The cooler was separated from this cpu.

"I bought it off ebay used, it's a 1-2 month old powerboook 867. The previous owner lost the original bootable dvd restore disc..."

This smells pretty fishy. And no, a kernal panic from boot CD shouldn't happen... was extra RAM installed? Could be a faulty RAM module.

Make sure you logged in as "root" and not "Root"
or "ROOT".
Everything is case sensitive in unix land.
yeah, fishy is a good word for it. The item was described as NEW. I received the powerbook, AC power adapter, and a oem copy of OS9 and OSX w/ software license agreements. No powerbook usermanual or hardware warranty agreement. The guy is being resistant of taking it back though, he claims to have bought a different computer and doesn't have the money any longer. This a royal PIA for my first Mac!

The thought of a hardware malfunction crossed my mind, but the powerbook would boot from the hardrive and run perfectly. The cd drive worked fine too. It's just trying to boot from the CD does it go into a kernel panic.

I tried a multitude of different cases just to be sure, and no it didn't work. I think it defaulted to a secure logon for safety. I'm not sure, I didn't have a user "other" in the profiles.
Okay, don't shoot me for stating the obvious, but nobody's suggested it yet. Have you tried giving the PRAM a good zapping? It's certainly worth a shot.
I have a powerbook 867. If you boot from a MacOS X CD that was released before the Powerbook you WILL get a Kernel Panic. It sucks but Apple decided some time ago to not make new machines work with old software.

Ask Apple or a Mac repair place if you could buy the bootable restore DVD.

Lie a little. Tell them you lost the DVD for a Powerbook that was a gift. All Apple needs to know is the serial number, not the any license papers. The PB has a one year warranty with 90 days tech support. Don't mention eBay!

Try to return that copy of MacOSX. It is useless to you. State it causes a kernel panic.

Root, in unix, is the superuser. No permission settings effect what the root user can do. It has to be explicitly enabled. If it wasn't you are out of luck.

Your best bet is to get the DVD.
Woh! you serious? The powerbook 867 after november won't work w/ older software? That doesn't seem right, it's hard to believe they would do something like that..

I contacted apple tech once more and told him I tried a new copy of osx and he said that there was something wrong w/ the hardware and to go to a local retail mac store and have t hem test the hardware. So I finally caved and went back to the mac store (where the prick resided) and found a bunch of really nice ppl. Ofcourse they couldn't boot the machine, they tried two different apple hardware test cd's and two OS X cd's w/ no luck. They ended up saying there was something wrong w/ the unit and decided to mail it in for repair. I don't think they tried the dvd restore disc though, but shouldn't the phone tech or the employee's of the "knowlegde station" know if the unit would only boot from newer software?
Sorry, "software" was a too general word :)

Often new hardware has requirements that older system software does not meet. Even if an older version of system software will technically work on new hardware, Apple will often place a minimum version check in the machine.

This helps Apple reduce its testing matrix. By not allowing a Powerbook 867 to boot with, let's say, MacOSX 1.0 they effectively reduce development and support time. There is little gain, even for the consumer, to boot a computer into an OS of an earlier that it came with.

Unless the only version of the OS available is old. The kernel panic sucks. Mine does the same when I boot from 10.2 purchased before the laptop.

Good Luck
My powerbook 800 kept having kernal panics when booting from a CD. My logic board was bad and so was some of my ram. Take it in. If it has a lot of kernal panics it is probably a hardware issue.
Powerbook tested out ok by Apple. The said that Mac software made before the producation of the powerbook will not work. I had to specially order a new DVD restore disc.

Strange huh? Not allowing older os's to work on the newer hardware...