Kernel Panic


I just backed up my hd (OS10.3.6) to an external drive with CCCloner, ran Disk Warrior on the HD and attempted to restart. Twice now I have a Kernel Panic. I have run Disk Warrior twice and am still getting a Kernel Panic when I try to boot off the internal HD. I am now thinking of reinstalling 10.3.3 (Archive & Install) and then update with 10.3.6 Combo.
Any suggestions, guys? This is the first time I have ever had such a problem. I am writing this on a (ugh) Windoze machine and would like to get back on my Mac. Any help would be appreciated. TIA. :(
Me again. My 3rd try with Disk Warrior was also unsuccessful (?). I am now in the process of Archive installing OSX 10.3.3 and then updating with the 10.3.6 Combo updater. Wish me luck.
Hello Jamerican,

After reading praise after praise of Carbon Copy Cloner on apple/discussion boards, I decided to try CCC. The very first time I tried CCC was the very first time I had ever experienced a kernel panic.

A bran new Maxtor Drive and I have been having kernel panics ever since. I hate that program, I will never use it again! :mad:

There is also a small sub-culture in the small minority that also dislike CCC. Everyone else loves it! :confused:
Actually, I have been using CCCloner for quite a while, and have never hada problem wiith it. I have always been able to boot from the externally cloned drive and repaired the internal drive with Techtool Pro and Disk Warrior.
In this particular case I am of the suspicion that the OSX 10.3.6 update (done through Software Update) may be what is causing my problem. I have re-installed OSX 10.3.3 and am now in the process of downloading the Combo update. After the installation, I will see if that fixes my problem.
BTW, the computer did boot after reinstalling OSX 10.3.3 - no Kernel Panic.
All is well in the nation of Jamerica again. After updating with the 10.3.6 Combo Update, i then ran Software Uodate until my software is now completely up to date. I'm back on my mac. From now on I will definitely use the OS Combo Uodates in the future. :D