Kernel protection failure?


If anyone has a solution for this, I would really appreciate it.

Yesterday, I tried to open Safari and got this error:

KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000020

Thread 0 crashed
0 objc_msg_Send_rtp+24

It listed other threads, but I didn't think I needed to post that here. I can if it would be helpful.

I did not install/upgrade RAM recently, which seems to be the most common source of the error. About a week ago, I installed the plugin SafariBlock, although I haven't had any other issues with it. I am running 10.4.11 on a PowerPC G4, I have plugged in:
A pair of Altec Lansing speakers model number ACS 300.1
Logitech USB headphones
Saitek USB hub with an Epson Stylus CX3810, USB cord of a PlayStation Portable, and a Flash drive, although the flash drive was not plugged in when the problem occurred.

I disconnected all of this, and it did not help. Yahoo! Messenger connects fine, as does Firefox, so it's a Safari issue.

I repaired permissions, and deleted SafariBlock, tried re-installing Safari and deleted all temporary files. I cleared my trash and rebooted. I still could not get it to work. Short of sending it in to Apple, does anyone know how to fix this?

A related question:

I have three user accounts, Safari on the admin and tertiary, and Firefox and Safari on the secondary. How can I get Firefox to run on the admin account without downloading it via Safari, so that I can access the Internet on my admin account? This may be a fairly silly question, but I could not figure it out.

If there is any other information I could provide that would be helpful, please let me know.

Thank you very much to anyone who tries to help, I really need to fix this!
A related question:

I have three user accounts, Safari on the admin and tertiary, and Firefox and Safari on the secondary. How can I get Firefox to run on the admin account without downloading it via Safari, so that I can access the Internet on my admin account? This may be a fairly silly question, but I could not figure it out.

First of all, thank you for providing details. It really does help. For the Safari issue did you try launching safari in another account? If not, try it and let us know if it behaves. As far as your firefox question, FF should launch from any account if it is in the Applications folder outside of any user folders. If Safari is sitting underneath a user folder, move it to you applications folder and you can launch it from any user account.
Yes, I tried to launch from both other accounts. I get the standard message "The application Safari quit unexpectedly. Mac OS X and other applications are not affected. etc." Firefox is not sitting underneath a user folder. When I launch it on the non-admin account, a volume pops up on the desktop and it launches. On the admin account, I attempt to launch it, it bounces, the arrow stabalizes (I'm talking about the dock icon, by the way) and then I get a Mozilla crash reporter window. No volume appears on the desktop.
Firefox is not sitting underneath a user folder. When I launch it on the non-admin account, a volume pops up on the desktop and it launches. On the admin account, I attempt to launch it, it bounces, the arrow stabalizes (I'm talking about the dock icon, by the way) and then I get a Mozilla crash reporter window. No volume appears on the desktop.

It sounds like you are launching the FF disk image and then launching FF from inside the disk image after it mounts on the desktop. Next time that disk image mounts, Take the FF app and drag and drop it into the applications folder. There even should be a shortcut to the applications folder inside the FF disk image that should be sitting right next to the app. After you do this you will need to drag and drop FF from the applications folder and drop it on the dock after getting rid of the original on the dock.
I had actually already done that, I was launching off the original. Ok, so now the volume does not appear on the desktop, and it launches fine from the same user account, but it still crashes on the admin. Do I need to reboot, or do anything else? This is not the clearest post, so if I need to clarify let me know.
I had actually already done that, I was launching off the original. Ok, so now the volume does not appear on the desktop, and it launches fine from the same user account, but it still crashes on the admin. Do I need to reboot, or do anything else? This is not the clearest post, so if I need to clarify let me know.

So FF works fine on the non-admin account but not the admin account and Safari is crashing on both accounts, is this correct?
The FF thing sounds like a user issue and Safari sounds like a possible system issue, which is really weird to have both at the same time unless you really screwed something up. Try a safe boot by holding down shift key until you get a login screen. Login to your admin account and try both Safari and FF in that account. If all goes well, reboot normally and test again.
The Firefox issue is old, I probably should have mentioned that. I downloaded Firefox for my dad who hates Safari about eight months ago, and couldn't get it to work on admin. It wasn't a big deal, because I prefer and use Safari, and on the rare occasion I needed Firefox, I could use his account.

Okay, so this is slightly embarrassing. I *think* I booted in safe mode, but the boot process was normal, and there was no indication that I had. I tested to see if my speakers worked, and they did, and I could use the DVD player, so I don't think I'm actually in safe mode. I restarted instead of shutting down and turning the computer on again, might that have anything to do with it? I have booted in safe mode before, once, but I don't really remember if there was any indication that I did.
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I wonder if reinstalling via the disk image on the admin account might fix the Firefox issue? I'm going to try it now.

Okay, so it worked... sort of. I am using Firefox from the admin account, but when I tried to drag and drop into the Applications folder, It asked me if I wanted to replace the current version, I said yes, and then I got the error message "This operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items." I repaired disk privileges, same issue. What now?

If the Firefox issue can be fixed, I think I'll just switch to Firefox until I passively find out how to fix the Safari issue. I imported my bookmarks from Safari, I didn't know you could do that without previously exporting them, so I'm good for now. I don't like Firefox as much, but oh well.

I installed Opera about 10 min ago; I'm not going to be caught without a browser on admin again! I did not have the above issue when installing Opera.
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Weird stuff! I don't usually recommend this, but I think you may want to consider reinstalling OS X.

First, make sure you have a backup of your important data: pictures, email, documents, etc.

Then, boot from your system disc while holding down C.

**The next part is important:**
Look carefully at the installation program. There should be an "Options" button toward the bottom of the window (if I recall correctly). Click Options and select "Archive and Install".

Go ahead and have it archive and install OS X. This will replace your previous system but keep an archive of previous system files in case you have an issue.

After the reinstall, drag Firefox to the trash. Go to "yourharddrive/Library/Application Support" and delete the Mozilla folder. Do the same for "yourhomefolder/Library/Application Support".

Go to "yourhomefolder/Library/Preferences and search for "firefox". You should see "org.mozilla.firefox.plist" Delete it and empty the trash (AFTER you check the trash for anything you may not want to delete).

Download the latest version of Safari and install it. What's the latest version that will work on 10.4? The latest probably.

Download the latest Firefox too. Install it.

Hope that works for you!

Thanks. I don't have an install disk, and I really don't care that much about Safari, to track down a disk and do a reinstall. I have internet, and my computer is mostly functional, just this Safari and Firefox issue. If I have any major issues I will. I think I'm going to wait for the next version of Safari to come out, download the dmg, uninstall Safari, then reinstall the new version from the dmg instead of updating it. If that works, cool, if it doesn't I'll probably just use Firefox as is. Thank you though!
Update: I deleted the copy of Firefox that I had in the Applications folder, then drag-dropped the new copy. It worked perfectly fine. I had the same issue while attempting to install an update for Toast Titanium. I have not deleted the current copy, because I do not know if the update is a patch, or a newer version of the program. Strange. I also applied permissions to contents for the applications folder, but that didn't seem to do anything.
Have you tried installing the latest version of Safari (version 4)? [You can determine the version of your Safari by clicking on the "Safari" menu at the top of the screen and going to "About Safari".]