kernel tasks killing my mac.



Please help a dim bloke get his system up and running properly again.

I've got Mac G4, running OS10.4.11

The poor ol thing is running horribly slowly now. Looking at "activity monitor" I can see that "kernel_task" is using up 95% CPU when I have no apps running.

So what can I do to bring the ol Mac back into the land of the living? Please please please remember I'm now into unfamiliar territory and don't understand any computer type jargon!

Your help is much appreciated.
First check to make sure that you didn't get one of the two known Trojans on OS X. First use the free application DNSChanger Removal Tool and see if you have foolishly downloaded a DNS changing Trojan (from a p0rn site) pretending to be a video plugin. Also read the blog article about the pirated iWork/Photoshop Trojan called Identifying and Removing the iWork09 Trojan. Also if you are in the US or Canada consider using the free (they even have a video to explain their free service and how it protects you) and control your own surfing.

Lastly when is the last time you did some software maintenance on your Mac? You can use the free Yasu or 0nyx and run all the cleaning routines. Once the program reboots your Mac manually reboot again to completely rebuild your startup/shutdown cache. Doing this about every three months will keep your Mac almost running like it is new.
Not dowloaded anything like that. But I guess it wont do any harm to run the programme?

As yor Yasu and onyx, which is the simpler?
OK been there done that.

DNS changer found nothing, used both yasu & onyx. On both the system forze on restart - ie got the apple symbol and that twirly circle thing. I left it on that for 4 hours but still no joy. I can start up the mac, but kernel tasks is still taking up HUGE chunks of CPU.

I'm not really keen to do this, but would this problem go away if I reloaded the OS?
Well something really got hosed in OS x system. Your Best bet would be (if you still have 10.4..x install disk) and do an Archive & Install when installing over the current system. This way you will not loose your applications. Then do all the updates and be patient because some updates have firmware/security ware in them and they will reboot your Mac twice.

Good Luck.
Right! the saga continues....

I did an archive&install but I don't think all went to plan. First attempt failed and had to try again. Second attempt got there, but its lost all my settings. So my computer thinks I'm a new user, however I'll sort tyhat later.

the really dissapointing thing is that I have nothing but safari running and the xxxxing kernel tasks is still taking up 90+ of the cpu.
