I still wonder why people actually care about Mitnick? He wasn't some great person, he was scum. Yeah, he did the romatic thing of breaking into computers and phone systems for knowledge. But, what he also did, when people started trying to kick him out, he decided to personally attack them. He would mess with their credit ratings, he'd have 800 and 900 numbers redirected to their home numbers. These weren't just cops, but normal people trying to do their jobs and take care of their families. He would listen in to peoples phone calls just because he could. He was arrested atleast 5 times before the famous arrest that got him thrown in jail for years. When he was arrested then, he was using an assumed name hiding from the cops as he continued to break into systems. He also wasn't even the most technical hacker, most of the stuff he did was by social engineering, not pure down and dirty hacking thru code. Yeah, the government made an example of him, probably too much so, but that is no reason to turn him into a saint. Whats next, is there going to be a huge "Free Charles Mason" group on the net because the cops aren't treating him "fairly"? Kevin started out as a carefree fun hacker, but he became a common criminal using uncommon tactics.
For those people who love him so much, think about this, how would you like someone listening to your every phone call, having access to all your personal information, having your phone suddenly start ringing off the hook with people who think they are calling a phone sex line. Kevin messed with alot of normal hard working people, just because they didn't want him hacking their systems.