Key Chain not working


After running the utility program "Main Menu" which I downloaded to repair permissions and other maintance tasks, my key chain is corrupt. I deleted it and created a new one. My problem is that it will not save any passwords, including my e-mail account passwords.

Can you help me!

when I was at Apple a couple weeks ago, they set my machine so it automatically backups "personal data and settings" every day. However, now each time I start up (or wake up) the machine it asks if it O.K. "to change all keychain items to allow new version access to my keychain." It says "this change is permanent and affects all keychain items in all your keychains". I then must click" O.K. to change all" Is this necessary and ok?
Barbhelm: Yes. It should be okay. Let's see, automatically backs up personal data and settings. Do you have a .Mac account? Is that how you're backing stuff up?

I wonder why it thinks there's a new version every day.
