Keyboard mapping


I'm having an interesting keyboard problem.
As we know, in both Freehand and Illustrator, 'space + command' zooms in, while 'space + command + option', zooms out. Recently, 'S+C+O' has stopped working (tho 'S+C' still works to zoom in). This has happened in both applications on both a dualG4 and an iBook.
It would seem that at some point I changed a setting to create this problem. Although both boot volumes and user folders are separate and distinct, I do attempt to duplicate the user experience on both machines by matching settings, hacks, icons, desktops, etc.
I've done a 'safe boot', tuned off all hackies and restarted, looked thu system preferences, so far to no avail. Using FUS I logged in from another identity, and the problem was fixed.
The real clincher: while S+C+O fails to zoom out, S+C+O+Shift does!

thanx dirtbagg
The problem apparently is somwhere in your user folder, possibly the Preferences folder. You can check your prefs for errors using the Terminal. At the prompt, type in "sudo plutil -s ~/Library/Preferences/*.plist" (obviously without the quotation marks). Any pref then listed may have a problem with it. If it belongs to your involved app, move it to your desktop, log out and in again. If the problem persists you can move it back. If that doesn't work you could try to isolate any corrupt pref yourself by moving half of them out, log out & in, see if problem persists. If the problem disappears the remaining prefs are OK, so move half of the "bad" half back, etc, etc. If you are running Panther, mark the tested prefs with a color label to keep track of which ones you have tested. A laborious but reliable method. Another app may also have "hijacked" the command you're using.
Thanks, Frida. That's a very clever way to sort thru plists. I was hoping I wouldn't have to. But you got me thinkin'. I have a week old clone that worked correctly with respect to freehand and illustrator, I just had to find what I'd installed in the past week that could do this. Turns out to be a sweet little APE called Window Dragon. I'd set its hotkey up for Command/Option/Click, just what I use to zoom out. Stupid me.