Keyboard & mouse icon disappeared


Messing around on new MacPro Work Station and discovered the icon in system preferences is missing; now can't adjust mouse and keyboard. Using os 10.5.6. Have fixed this once before on old g4 but am having a mental block {old age? } on how to now? I think you go into usr>preferences>trash the keyboard & mouse prefs and it will return to sys. prefs. I am at work now so can't try it. Any answers please???
You can also get into system preferences by clicking on the apple menu icon in the upper left hand corner. When it launches and the icon shows up in your dock, right click it, and choose "keep in dock" in the menu that pops up.
Solved the problem another way>opened "time Machine"> went back a couple of days>found keyboard pref. pane {not preferences} Selected the pref. pane>went down to restore and clicked on it. "WALLA" It restored the keyboard & mouse icon right back into the sys. prefs. window where it was. Thanks to time machine!!!!!
So you had actually removed it! Did you manually move it to the trash and empty that? ;)
Greg Reez: That wasn't the question.
Thanks Fryke-ans. from Reez was a bit confusing. I think how it disappeared was I had the install disk in [OSX.5.6] and did a partial install and stopped it. That may have been how it - [keyboard & mouse pref pane] got removed from the system prefs. window. the time machine trick got it back and all is well.