Keyboard trouble


I have a clam shelled iBook (1999, SE graphite) and I just replaced the HD in it. Everything works for the most part, but the keyboard is really messed up:

A majority of the keyboard works, but the following keys do not: command, option, control, caps lock, tab, both shifts, and esc.

All other keys work! Can anybody even think of what's causing this? We lifted up the keys that are having problems and cleaned under them, but they still don't work. Any idea's?
Hey Trip,

So you cleaned under the keys; what did you use to do that?

It's interesting that only the modifier keys are dead (the ones you have to press in combination to do something).

Since all keys of the same functional group, and not the same physical location are dead, I would look away from the keys themselves, and more toward some kind of firmware or keyboard language selection issue.

Do the keys work at boot time ; can you boot verbosely or into single-user mode? That would indicate to me that it's Mac OS that's doing something wonkey.
I do...

[But supprise: when I replaced the HD on the computer I accidentally tore the trackpad film and now my trackpad+clicker doesn't work: so the Hardware Test CD is useless. If you don't understand that ask and I'll explain.]
Well...the CD runs off of its self so it doesn't load any hardware things. So it can read if an external mouse is in or not, so no...can't use an external mouse.
Hmm. Learn something new every day.

I didn't think the Apple Hardware Test disks (which are machine -and even model- specific, BTW) started shipping with Macs until Summer 2000.
I'm looking into it. Have you guys ever looked at the way apple puts in their trackpads? I hate to say it but when it comes to laptops Apple sucks.