keychain access


Does anyone know of a way to have keychain access encrypt it's stored passwords, rather than showing them as clear text?

This is on a machine that boots into a single non-admin user which multiple users have access too. Granted one solution is to create multiple users on the machine, but that is currently not feasible.

Another solution might be to lock the "Connect to Server" preferences so that users cannot set them to save in the keychain, however this seems to be a user preference and not a system preference.

Any ideas?

You could password lock the keychain. If the password is the same as your login password (which is the default) then any time you log in the keychain will be unlocked. However, by changing the password on the keychain, it should lock so that you can only use it by entering the password.

Go to Applications/Utilities and open Keychain Access.

Under "Edit" pick "keychainName Settings"

Click change passphrase.

Alternately, you might try creating a new keychain and move sensitive passwords onto that. Then, you can simply unlock it when you need to use it.
it seems another alternative is to just remove the keychain access utility completely. None of it's functionality is lost, except you have no way of view keychains.
