I took notes during the live stream. But I'll spare yall of my 6 pages of yack.
The software:
Microsoft releases office. Big deal. I'm sticking it out for OpenOffice.
Adobe is releasing photoshop and such. We knew they would.
Quark express will continue to help apple in the publishing arena.
Worldbook has a pretty good deal on reference material. It must be tough to do so with so many free resources on the internet. Nice price, too.
All the gamse look great (Blizzard and Aspire). I'd like to compare Tony Halks Pro Skater 2 from os x to os 9. I mean, its a new application for both os's. Might be interesting.
The holy grail of the show, in my opinion, goes to two software demo's.
Obviously Mac OS X 10.1.0. If it lives up to the improvements that Jobs showed off, that will be woderful. But what computer did he demo it on, anyway?
My other choice is Alias Wave Front Maya. I've taken alot of classes centered around CAD, and they always use autocad and 3d studio. Granted, Autocad is a great program. But I"ve never seen a more crash-prone program as 3d studio max/vis.
Cinema 4d looks good, but Maya looks better. I've never seen such a nice-looking 3d graphics suite. Looks like they have the dynamic body stuff worked out.
iDVD wasn't that surprising or interesting to me, but it looks like interesting software. The new imacs were just what most people thought they would be - just faster imacs. New powermacs - I can't deside if they are ugly or pretty. I wonder how I'd put a zip drive in there...
I wish Jobs hadn't given up on setting the photo to the desktop background. But maybe the pictures were not really there - they were just fake icons or something. I don't know. Naa. They were probably just the wrong file format or something.
I was laughing when Jobs was talking about printing support and said something like "...support for over 200 post script printers with all the dll's or whatever they are..." DLL's? hahaha.
And his reference to the "aol and microsoft war" was funny, too.
"There is a new dock effect called 'scale'..."
Overall, a great show as usuall. And the pentium burning session was great, too.
and yes, the camera was funny, as well aas toy story 2 flopping the first time. But lets not forget all the times windows has crashed on Gates in similar shows...
Sorry about my length there. I guess I had a lot to say. (I had a lot more, actually...)