

Ok, I just recently installed AirPort and I'm hooked up to a wireless, Comcast, cable. Now this is strange:

Every-so-often while I'm browsing the web or designing something for a website I hear this noise that sounds like a door closing or opening in the background of my OS. I cannot figure out what this is but it's driving me crazy!

Is somebody getting into my computer? Did I leave something installed I shouldn't have? Is somebody watching me? WHY IS MY MAC OPENING/CLOSING A DOOR RANDOMLY?! Can anybody help me?!

This is really freak'n me out now. It's so wierd and it comes at completely random times! So messed up. :)
Let's see, whenever the sound goes off I'm usually running Carracho. But sometimes I'm not running Carracho (I'll be running Photoshop, or GamerAnger, or even Safari!) and it goes off.

I have NO chat applications installed with the exception of iChat which I have never used since "the big crash".

Well, the first thing I thought of when reading your post was ICQ!
That app. definitely makes a "knock-knock" sound when someone goes online.

If you're using another chat application like ICQ there is a fair chance that that app. perhaps uses the "knock-knock" sound from ICQ.

That is the only thing I can think of.

I was thinking AIM...but check all of your applications for the sounds they use within the program. Maybe you can turn the app sounds off? I dunno, it is kind of strange...
you probably checked this but if you have ichat in your menu or if it is set to always be online, youll here the door open and close when someone else gets on and off of AIM
You can check exactly which programs are running with the /Applications/Utilities/Process
Why don't you check that. You could even post a screen grab of it here so that other people can see exactly what's on. (Make sure you view all processes, not just your own.)


PS: I'm typing this from Windoze - I hope I got the app path/name right, but I can't verify it right now. But its something like that, so you should be able to find it :)
maybe try finding wat programs are all running on youre computer, then clossing them, till the noise stops, and obviously if it stops it was the last one you deleted...
Hit the option button five times, then again five times. If that makes you hear the sound, it's Accessibility helping you turn on and off mouse-by-keypad.