Do not read this sign.
Kudos and cheers to Formac for updating their Tevion software so quickly (it's only Tuesday!) for Jaguar.
Actually it's called TeVeRon (?), and it also has VCR-like scheduled recording capabilities (which I've been harrassing them about since I first got my Formac Studio). It says you can even remotely schedule a recording (like from work), but I haven't gotten to that yet. Hope I can do it from a PC.
Good job, Formac. I hope other companies are as agile and responsive.
Actually it's called TeVeRon (?), and it also has VCR-like scheduled recording capabilities (which I've been harrassing them about since I first got my Formac Studio). It says you can even remotely schedule a recording (like from work), but I haven't gotten to that yet. Hope I can do it from a PC.
Good job, Formac. I hope other companies are as agile and responsive.